美国学生人类历史 第115期:教会之兴(2)(在线收听

 When the first disciples of Jesus reached Rome and began to preach their new doctrine of a universal brotherhood of man, nobody objected. 当第一批基督耶稣的信徒们抵达罗马,开始宣讲他们"爱人如己,人人都是兄弟"的新信仰时,没人站出来反对。

The man in the street stopped and listened Rome, the capital of the world, had always been full of wandering preachers, each proclaiming his own"mystery." 随后还有些好奇的路人停下脚步,聆听这些传教士新鲜的言辞。作为一个庞大帝国的首都,当时的罗马充斥着五花八门、四处周游的传教士,个个都在传播自己的"神秘之道"。
Most of the self-appointed priests appealed to the senses-promised golden rewards and endless pleasure to the followers of their own particular god. 这些自封的传道者一般诉诸人们的理性,向他们大声疾呼,对那些愿意追随自己所宣讲的神的人,允诺金色的未来和无尽的喜悦。
Soon the crowd in the street noticed that the so-called Christians (the followers of the Christ or "anointed") spoke a very different language. 不久之后,聚集在大街上的群众开始发觉,那些所谓的"基督徒"(意为基督耶稣的跟从者或被上帝用膏油涂抹嘱咐的人)宣讲的是一些他们从未听说过的东西。
They did not appear to be impressed by great riches or a noble position. 他们似乎根本不关注财富的多少或地位的高贵与否
They extolled the beauties of poverty and humility and meekness. 相反,他们对贫穷、谦卑、顺从等等美德大加赞颂。
These were not exactly the virtues which had made Rome the mistress of the world. 而罗马之所以成为世界强国,凭借的刚好不是这些品德。
It was rather interesting to listen to a "mystery" which told people in the hey-day of their glory that their worldly success could not possibly bring them lasting happiness. 在四海升平、战功远播的帝国全盛时期,有人竟来告诉罗马的人民,世俗的成功并不能担保他们永久的幸福,这倒是挺有意思的事情。
Besides, the preachers of the Christian mystery told dreadful stories of the fate that awaited those who refused to listen to the words of the true God. 更何况,这些传播基督"神秘之道"的传教士还讲到了那些拒绝聆听真神话语的人们等待他们的命运将悲惨无比,简直让人恐怖。
It was never wise to take chances. 很显然,碰运气可不是什么好的法子。
Of course the old Roman gods still existed, but were they strong enough to protect their friends against the powers of this new deity who had been brought to Europe from distant Asia? 当然,还有罗马的旧神在,他们就住在不远处。不过他们是否有足够的威力来保护他们的老朋友,对抗刚刚从遥远亚洲传到欧洲的新上帝的权威呢?
People began to have doubts. They returned to listen to further explanations of the new creed. 人们开始恐慌,开始怀疑。他们又回到基督徒传教的地方,希望进一步弄清这些教义的条条款款。