美国学生人类历史 第120期:教会之兴(7)(在线收听

 The Lombards and Saxons and Slavs who succeeded the Goths were weak and backward tribes. 继任哥特人统治意大利的伦巴德人、撒克逊人和斯拉夫人,他们属于实力较弱的落后部落。

Under those circumstances it was possible for the bishops of Rome to maintain the independence of their city. 在这种宽松的环境下,罗马的主教们才得以维持他们城市的独立。
Soon the remnants of the empire, scattered throughout the peninsula, recognised the Dukes of Rome (or bishops) as their political and spiritual rulers. 不久,分散在意大利半岛的诸多残余小国便承认罗马大公(既罗马主教)为他们政治和精神的领袖。
The stage was set for the appearance of a strong man. 历史的舞台已经准备就绪,期待一位强人的登场了。
He came in the year 590 and his name was Gregory. 此人名为格利高里,在公元590年出现于众人的视野。
He belonged to the ruling classes of ancient Rome, and he had been "prefect" or mayor of the city. 格利高里属于旧罗马的贵族统治阶层,曾做过"完美者",即罗马市的市长。
Then he had become a monk and a bishop and finally, and much against his will,(for he wanted to be a missionary and preach Christianity to the heathen of England,)  之后,他做了僧侣,进而成为主教。最后,他本人很不情愿地(因为他本想作一名传教士,到蛮荒的英格兰向异教徒传播基督的福音)
he had been dragged to the Church of Saint Peter to be made Pope. 他被拉到圣彼得大教堂,加封为教皇。
He ruled only fourteen years but when he died the Christian world of western Europe had officially recognised the bishops of Rome, the Popes, as the head of the entire church. 他仅仅在位14年,不过当他死去时,整个西欧的基督教世界都已正式承认罗马主教,即教皇,为整个基督教会的领袖。
This power, however, did not extend to the east. 不过,罗马教皇的权威未能朝东方扩展。
In Constantinople the Emperors continued the old custom which had recognised the successors of Augustus and Tiberius both as head of the government and as High Priest of the Established Religion. 在君士坦丁堡,东罗马帝国依然延续着罗马的旧传统,将奥古斯都和提庇留的继任者(东罗马皇帝)视为政府的最高统治者和国教领袖。
In the year 1453 the eastern Roman Empire was conquered by the Turks. 公元1453年,土耳其人经长期围困之后攻陷了君士坦丁堡。
Constantinople was taken, and Constantine Paleologue, the last Roman Emperor, was killed on the steps of the Church of the Holy Sophia. 最后一位东罗马皇帝康士坦丁·帕利奥洛格在圣索非亚大教堂的台阶上被土耳其士兵杀死。残存了另外1000年的东罗马帝国终于覆灭了。