美国学生人类历史第138期:封建制 度(1)(在线收听

 Chapter 31 Feudalism 第三十一章 封建制度

How central Europe, attacked from sides, become an armed camp 欧洲中部受到来自三个方向的敌人威胁,变成了地道的大兵营。
and why Europe would have perished without those professional soldiers and administrators who were part of the feudal system 如果没有那些作为职业战士的骑士和封建体制之一的行政官员,欧洲早已不复存在。
The following, then, is the state of Europe in the year one thousand, 现在,我要讲讲公元1000年时欧洲的普遍景况。
when most people were so unhappy that they welcomed the prophecy foretelling the approaching end of the world and rushed to the monasteries, 当时的大多数欧洲人过着悲惨困顿的生活,商业凋敝,农事荒废,关于世界末日即将到来的预言四处流传。人们惶恐不安,纷纷涌到修道院当僧侣。
that the Day of Judgement might find them engaged upon devout duties. 因为迎接末日审判的最为保险的办法,当然是在这一时刻来临时,自己正在虔诚地侍奉上帝。
At an unknown date, the Germanic tribes had left their old home in Asia and had moved westward into Europe. 在一个很久远的年代里,日尔曼部族离开了中亚的群山,向西迁移。
By sheer pressure of numbers they had forced their way into the Roman Empire. 凭着人数众多,他们强行敲开罗马帝国的大门,
They had destroyed the great western empire, 肆意推进,毁灭了庞大的西罗马帝国。
but the eastern part, being off the main route of the great migrations, had managed to survive and feebly continued the traditions of Rome's ancient glory. 东罗马之所以能够幸兔,完全得益于他们远离日尔曼民族大迁徙的途径。
During the days of disorder which had followed, (the true "dark ages"of history, the sixth and seventh centuries of our era,) the German tribes had been persuaded to accept the Christian religion and had recognised the Bishop of Rome as the Pope or spiritual head of the world. 不过它也变成了昨日黄花,只能在苟延残在西罗马覆灭后的动乱年代(公元六、七世纪是欧洲历史上真正的黑暗年代),日尔曼人接受传教士们耐心的教导,皈依了基督教,承认罗马主教为教皇,也就是世界的精神领袖。
In the ninth century, the organising genius of Charlemagne had revived the Roman Empire and had united the greater part of western Europe into a single state. 到了公元9世纪,凭着出色的个人才能,查理曼大帝复兴了罗马帝国的光荣传统,将西欧大部分地区纳人一个统一的国家。
During the tenth century this empire had gone to pieces. 可到10世纪,这个苦心组织的帝国在查理曼不肖子孙的争权夺利中土崩瓦解。
The western part had become a separate kingdom, France. 其西半部分成为一个单独的王国--法兰西,
The eastern half was known as the Holy Roman Empire of the German nation, 其东半部分被称为日尔曼民族的神圣罗马帝国,
and the rulers of this federation of states then pretended that they were the direct heirs of Ceasar and Augustus. 其境内的各国统治者都声称自己是恺撒和奥古斯都的直接继承人,以获得名正言顺的统治地位。