美国学生人类历史 第154期:十字军东征(3)(在线收听

 The first Crusade, a wild mob of honest Christians, defaulting bankrupts, penniless noblemen and fugitives from justice, 第一支十字军是由诚实的基督徒、无力履行义务的破产者、穷困潦倒的没落贵族以及逃避法庭制裁的罪犯所组成的乌台之众。

following the lead of halfcrazy Peter the Hermit and Walter-without-a-Cent, began their campaign against the Infidels by murdering all the Jews whom they met by the way. 他们乱哄哄地、纪律涣散,在半疯癫的隐士彼得和"赤贫者"瓦特的领导下开始了远征。作为惩罚异教徒的第一步,他们把一路上碰见的所有犹太人统统杀掉。
They got as far as Hungary and then they were all killed. 他们只勉强前进到匈牙利,然后便全军覆没了。
This experience taught the Church a lesson. 这次经历给了教会一个深刻的教训:
Enthusiasm alone would not set the Holy Land free. 单凭热情是无法解放圣地的。
Organisation was as necessary as good-will and courage. 细致的组织工作与良好意愿、勇气一样,都是十字军事业成功必不可少的因素。
A year was spent in training and equipping an army of 200,000 men. 于是欧洲花费了1年时间,训练和装备了1支20万人的军队,
They were placed under command of Godfrey of Bouillon, Robert, duke of Normandy, Robert, count of Flanders, 由布隆的戈德弗雷、诺曼底公爵罗伯特、弗兰德斯伯爵罗伯特以及其他几位贵族指挥。
and a number of other noblemen, all experienced in the art of war. 这些人都是深谙作战技巧、经验丰富的将领。
In the year 1096 this second crusade started upon its long voyage. 公元1096年,第二支十字军开始其漫长而徒劳的征程。
At Constantinople the knights did homage to the Emperor. 到达君士坦丁堡后,骑士们神情庄严地向东罗马皇帝举行了宣誓效忠仪式。
(For as I have told you, traditions die hard, and a Roman Emperor, however poor and powerless, was still held in great respect). (正如我已经说过的,传统不会轻易消失,不管如今的东罗马皇帝是如何潦倒、如何无权无势,但依然享有崇高的尊严。)
Then they crossed into Asia, killed all the Moslems who fell into their hands, stormed Jerusalem, massacred the Mohammedan population, 随后他们渡海到亚洲,沿途杀掉所有被俘的穆斯林。他们所向披靡,对耶路撒冷发动了暴风雨般的攻击,并屠杀 了该城的所有穆罕默德信徒。
and marched to the Holy Sepulchre to give praise and thanks amidst tears of piety and gratitude. 最后,他们流着虔诚与感恩的泪水,进军圣墓去赞美伟大的上帝。
But soon the Turks were strengthened by the arrival of fresh troops. 可不久后,土耳其人的精锐援军赶到,重新夺取了耶路撒冷。
Then they retook Jerusalem and in turn killed the faithful followers of the Cross. 作为报复,他们又杀光了所有忠于十字架的信徒。