美国学生人类历史 第167期:中世纪的城市(11)(在线收听

 Under these circumstances, the noble knight could not well show the rage which filled his heart and his proud soul. 这种情形下,公爵大人不得不极力克制义愤填膺的冲天怒火,免得不小心流露出来。

Instead, he suggested another little loan. 相反,他要求再惜一小笔钱。
The merchants retired to discuss the matter. 商人们答应回去商量商量。
After three days they came back and said "yes." 三天后他们又来到城堡,同意借给公爵钱。
They were only too happy to be able to help their master in his difficulties, 能在尊贵的大人困难之际提供小小的帮助,他们真是高兴还来不及呢。
but in return for the 345 golden pounds would he give them another written promise (another charter) that they, the townspeople, 不过作为340磅金币的回报,大人是否可以给他们再签署一张书面保证(另一张特许状),
might establish a council of their own to be elected by all the merchants and free citizens of the city, said council to manage civic affairs without interference from the side of the castle? 准许他们建立一个由所有的商人和自由市民选举出来的议会,由议会管理城镇的内部事务而不受城堡方面的干涉?
His Lordship was confoundedly angry. 这一回,公爵大人可是被深深激怒了。
But again, he needed the money. 可他确实需要那笔钱呀!
He said yes, and signed the charter. Next week, he repented. 大人只好答应,签署了特许状。过了一星期,公爵后悔了。
He called his soldiers and went to the house of the jeweller and asked for the documents which his crafty subjects had cajoled out of him under the pressure of circumstances. 他召集自己的士兵,气乎乎地闯进珠宝商的家里,间他要还那张特许状。因为,按公爵的话说,它是狡猾的市民趁着他手头紧张,从他那里诱骗走的。
He took them away and burned them. 公爵拿走文件,一把火烧掉。
The townspeople stood by and said nothing. 市民们安静地站在一旁,什么话也没说。
But when next his Lordship needed money to pay for the dowry of his daughter. He was unable to get a single penny. 可当下一次公爵急需用钱为女儿办嫁妆的时候,他连一个子儿也借不到了。
After that little affair at the jeweller's his credit was not considered good. 经过在珠宝商家里发生的小小纠纷之后,公爵大人被认为"信用不佳"。
He was forced to eat humblepie and offer to make certain reparations. 大人不得不忍气吞声,低下高贵的头颅,答应做出某些补偿。
Before his Lordship got the first installment of the stipulated sum, the townspeople were once more in possession of all their old charters 在公爵大人拿到合同数目的第一笔借款之前,市民们重新握有了所有以前签署的特许状,
and a brand new one which permitted them to build a "city-hall" and a strong tower 外加一张新的,允许他们建造一座"市政厅"和一座坚固的塔楼。
where all the charters might be kept protected against fire and theft, 塔楼将用作保管所有的文件和特许状,以防失火或盗窃,
which really meant protected against future violence on the part of the Lord and his armed followers. 但真正的用意无非是防止公爵大人和他的士兵将来的暴力行为。