听歌学英语:我记得 I Remember(在线收听

There were times when I did not know what to do我有时会迷茫不知所措
time: n 时候;境况;境遇
‘There are times when I / we do not know what to do’我/我们都会有茫然不知所措的时候。

time v为…安排时间;为…选择时机;为…定时;校正(钟、表)时间
The bomb was timed to go off at 12 o'clock.炸弹定在12点钟爆炸。
The coach is timed to arrive at 11 o'clock.大巴定于11点钟到达。
He timed his watch with mine.他和我对表。

Tell the time 看钟表说出时间
My four-year-old daughter cannot quite tell the time. 我4岁大的女儿还不大会看表

(There's)No time like the present. [谚语]目前正是大好时机。
Lost time is never found again.[谚语]岁月既往,不可复追.
to make up for lost time补回失去的时间

There's always (a) next time. 总会有机会的。
Time cures all things. [谚语]时间一久,一切都会好转;
亦作Time is the best healer.时间是最好的医生。
March with the times跟着时代跑;不落后于时代

Time will show (或 tell). 日久自明。= Time will tell.
Time will show who is right.时间会证明谁是对的。

Time hangs heavy on one's hands. 时间多得难以排遣,闲得发慌。
to have time to burn有用不完的时间

What may be done at any time will be done at no time. [谚语]认为任何时间都可完成的工作,反而常常不


I never thought that love could be like this
It took me beyond my expectations
I want to thank you, but, can't find the words
Baby your love has set me free
