英语听力 暮光之城•暮色 第30期:打开的书(11)(在线收听

 When the bell finally rang, Edward rushed as swiftly and as gracefully from the room as he had last Monday.  终于打下课铃了,只见爱德华和上个星期一一样,迅速而又优雅地冲出了教室。

And, like last Monday, I stared after him in amazement.  而且,同上个星期一一样,我也目瞪口呆地目送了他的背影。
Mike skipped quickly to my side and picked up my books for me.  迈克迅速地蹿到了我的旁边并帮我把书捡了起来。
I imagined him with a wagging tail.  我想象他和他说的那条金毛猎犬一样,在把东西找回来的时候可以摇他的追击者。
"That was awful," he groaned.  "太难了,"他抱怨道,
"They all looked exactly the same.  "看上去全都一模一样。
You're lucky you had Cullen for a partner."  你真走运,有爱德华做你的搭档。"
"I didn't have any trouble with it," I said, stung by his assumption.  "看这个我倒没有什么问题,"我说,他的主观臆断我听了很不是滋味。
I regretted the snub instantly.  可话一说出去,我马上就后悔了。
"I've done the lab before, though,"  "不过,我以前做过这个实验。"
I added before he could get his feelings hurt.  我趁他的感情还没受到伤害,赶紧补上了一句。
"Cullen seemed friendly enough today," he commented as we shrugged into our raincoats.  "卡伦今天似乎挺友好的嘛。"在我们套上雨衣的时候,他评论道。
He didn't seem pleased about it.  对此,他似乎不太高兴。
I tried to sound indifferent.  我努力装出一副不在乎的语气:
"I wonder what was with him last Monday."  "我不知道他上个星期一怎么啦。"
I couldn't concentrate on Mike's chatter as we walked to Gym, and PE. didn't do much to hold my attention, either. 去体育馆的路上,迈克唠叨个没完,我却老走神,没听进去多少,而且体育课也没强到哪里去,我同样也是老分心。
Mike was on my team today.  今天迈克和我在一个队,
He chivalrously covered my position as well as his own, so my woolgathering was only interrupted when it was my turn to serve;  他很有骑士风范,除了守自己的位以外,还守了我的位,所以,我的胡思乱想只是轮到我发球时才得以打断;
my team ducked warily out of the way every time I was up.  每次我跳起来的时候,我们队都得小心翼翼地躲闪避让。
The rain was just a mist as I walked to the parking lot, but I was happier when I was in the dry cab.  我去停车场时,雨已经只是一片雾雨了,但坐进了干爽的驾驶室后,我还是更为高兴一些。
I got the heater running, for once not caring about the mind-numbing roar of the engine.  我打开了空调,一时也顾不得发动机那极度的轰隆声了。
I unzipped my jacket, put the hood down, and fluffed my damp hair out so the heater could dry it on the way home.  我拉开了上衣的拉链,把帽兜放了下来,抖开了湿气沉沉的头发,以便回家的路上空调可以把头发吹干。
I looked around me to make sure it was clear.  我朝四周瞧了瞧,以确定周围没有东西。
That's when I noticed the still, white figure.  也就是在这时,我看见一个静止的白色身影。
Edward Cullen was leaning against the front door of the Volvo, three cars down from me, and staring intently in my direction.  爱德华·卡伦斜靠在离我有三辆车远的沃尔沃的前门上,正目不转睛地盯着我这个方向。
I swiftly looked away and threw the truck into reverse, almost hitting a rusty Toyota Corolla in my haste.  我迅速将视线移开并猛地倒起车来,匆忙之中,差点儿撞上了一辆破旧的丰田花冠。
Lucky for the Toyota, I stomped on the brake in time.  幸亏我及时猛踩了一脚刹车,那辆丰田才逃过一劫。
It was just the sort of car that my truck would make scrap metal of.  而丰田的车,正好是撞上我的卡车就会碎成废铜烂铁的那种车。
I took a deep breath, still looking out the other side of my car, and cautiously pulled out again, with greater success.  我长吸了一口气,眼睛依然看着车子另一边的外头,又小心地往后倒起来,这一次成功多了。
I stared straight ahead as I passed the Volvo, but from a peripheral peek, I would swear I saw him laughing. 我从沃尔沃旁边经过时,眼睛盯着正前方,不过我还是用余光偷看了一眼,我敢发誓,他正在笑话我。