英语听力 暮光之城•暮色 第39期:第四章 邀请(3)(在线收听

 "So," Mike said, looking at the floor,  "嗯,"迈克眼睛看着地板说道,

"Jessica asked me to the spring dance."  "杰西卡邀请我参加春季舞会了。"
"That's great." I made my voice bright and enthusiastic.  "那是大好事儿呀。"我用喜气洋洋而又充满热情的声音说道,
"You'll have a lot of fun with Jessica."  "你跟杰西卡在一起会很开心的。"
"Well…" He floundered as he examined my smile, clearly not happy with my response.  "唔……"他一边仔细地审度着我的微笑,一边支吾道。显而易见,他对我的反应不是很高兴,
"I told her I had to think about it."  "我告诉她我得想一想。"
"Why would you do that?"  "你干吗要那样呢?"
I let disapproval color my tone, though I was relieved he hadn't given her an absolute no.  我流露出了不悦,虽然他没有完全回绝她,令我舒了一口气。
His face was bright red as he looked down again.  他又垂下了头,脸涨得通红。
Pity shook my resolve.  同情之心动摇了我的决心。
"I was wondering if… well, if you might be planning to ask me."  "我在想……嗯,在想你会不会打算邀请我。"
I paused for a moment, hating the wave of guilt that swept through me.  我愣了一会儿,恨自己刚才那一刹那的愧疚。
But I saw, from the corner of my eye, Edward's head tilt  reflexively in my direction. 不过,从眼角的余光中,我看到爱德华的头本能地朝我这边偏了偏。
"Mike, I think you should tell her yes," I said.  "迈克,我认为你应该答应她的邀请,"我说。
"Did you already ask someone?"  "你是不是已经邀请谁了?"
Did Edward notice how Mike's eyes flickered in his direction?  不知道爱德华有没有注意到迈克的眼神向他坐的方向闪了闪。
"No," I assured him.  "没有,"我给了他一颗定心丸,
"I'm not going to the dance at all."  "我根本就没打算参加那个舞会。"
"Why not?" Mike demanded.  "干吗不呢?"迈克问。
I didn't want to get into the safety hazards that dancing presented, so I quickly made new plans.  我不想陷入舞会惹来的安全风险,于是很快有了新的打算。
"I'm going to Seattle that Saturday," I explained.  "那个周六我要去西雅图,"我解释说。
I needed to get out of town anyway — it was suddenly the perfect time to go.  我反正得出一趟城——这一下子成了我出城的最佳时机。
"Can't you go some other weekend?"  "你不能在别的周末去吗?"
"Sorry, no," I said.  "对不起,不能,"我说,
"So you shouldn't make Jess wait any longer — it's rude."  "所以你不应该让杰西卡再等了——很不礼貌的。"
"Yeah, you're right," he mumbled, and turned, dejected, to walk back to his seat.  "好的,你说得对,"他咕哝了一句,然后沮丧地转身回到自己的座位上去了。
I closed my eyes and pressed my fingers to my  temples, trying to push the guilt and sympathy out of my head.  我闭上双眼,用指头按了按太阳穴,想把愧疚与同情从脑袋中挤出去。
Mr. Banner began talking.  班纳先生开始说话了,
I sighed and opened my eyes.  我叹了口气,睁开了眼睛。
And Edward was staring at me curiously, that same, familiar edge of frustration even more distinct now in his black eyes.  不想爱德华正好奇地盯着我,此时他黑色的眼睛里那熟悉的失望之情更为明显了。
I stared back, surprised, expecting him to look quickly away.  我很惊讶,于是也盯着他,以为他会迅速把目光移开的。
But instead he continued to gaze with probing intensity into my  eyes.  可是他并没有移开,而是继续以强烈的探询的眼神盯着我的眼睛。
There was no question of me looking away.  我没法把自己的目光移开。
My hands started to shake.  我的双手开始发抖了。
"Mr. Cullen?" the teacher called, seeking the answer to a question that I hadn't heard.  "卡伦先生?"老师叫他回答一个问题,是个什么问题我没听见。
"The Krebs Cycle," Edward answered, seeming reluctant as he turned to look at Mr. Banner.  "克雷布斯循环 ,"爱德华答道,他扭过头去看班纳先生的时候,显得有些不太情愿。
I looked down at my book as soon as his eyes released me, trying to find my place.  他的目光一松劲,我就赶紧垂下眼睛看着书了,想找到讲到什么地方了。
Cowardly as ever, I shifted my hair over my  right shoulder to hide my face.  我还像以前一样胆小,把头发甩到了右肩,以便将脸遮起来。
I couldn't believe the rush of emotion pulsing through me — just because he'd happened to look  at me for the first time in a half-dozen weeks.  我不能相信刚才一下子,仅仅因为他六周以来第一次碰巧瞅了我一眼,感情居然就冲动得那么厉害。
I couldn't allow him to have this level of influence over me.  我不能让他对我有这么大的影响。
It was pathetic.   这真可怜。
More than pathetic, it was unhealthy.  还不止是可怜,简直是有病。