英语听力 暮光之城•暮色 第59期:第五章 血型(12)(在线收听

 Suddenly the sidewalk disappeared from beneath me. My eyes flew open in shock. 忽然间,我身下的人行道消失了。我大吃一惊,飞快地睁开眼睛。

Edward had scooped me up in his arms, as easily as if I weighed ten pounds instead of a hundred and ten. 爱德华把我横_抱在双臂间,轻松得就好像我只有十磅重,而非一百一十磅。
"Put me down!" Please, please let me not vomit on him. He was walking before I was finished talking. “放我下来!”拜托,拜托别让我吐在他身上。我还没说完,他就大步走了起来。
"Hey!" Mike called, already ten paces behind us. “嘿!”迈克大喊着,已被甩在了我们身后十步开外的地方。
Edward ignored him. "You look awful," he told me, grinning. 爱德华根本不理他。“你看起来很吓人。”他咧嘴一笑,对我说道。
"Put me back on the sidewalk," I moaned. The rocking movement of his walk was not helping. “把我放回人行道上。”我发出一声悲鸣。他走路带来的晃动让我很不舒服。
He held me away from his body, gingerly, supporting all my weight with just his arms—it didn't seem to bother him. 他谨慎地把我抱开一些,不再贴着他的身体,而是只用双臂支撑着我的重量——这对他来说似乎毫不费力。
"So you faint at the sight of blood?" he asked. This seemed to entertain him. “所以说,你一看到血就晕倒了?”他问道。他似乎觉得这样很有趣。
I didn't answer. I closed my eyes again and fought the nausea with all my strength, clamping my lips together. 我没回答。我再次合上双眼,紧紧地闭上嘴巴,用尽全身的力气抑制住恶心的感觉。
"And not even your own blood," he continued, enjoying himself. “而且那还不是你自己的血。”他自得其乐地继续说道。
I don't know how he opened the door while carrying me, but it was suddenly warm, so I knew we were inside. 我不知道他双手抱着我,是怎么把门打开的。但周围忽然暖和起来,所以我知道我们已经进了屋。
"Oh my," I heard a female voice gasp. “我的天!”我听到一个女性的声音喘息着说。
"She fainted in Biology," Edward explained. “她在生物课上晕倒了。”爱德华解释道。
I opened my eyes. I was in the office, and Edward was striding past the front counter toward the nurse's door. 我睁开了眼睛。我正在办公室里。爱德华径直穿过前台,大步向医务室的门走去。
Ms. Cope, the redheaded front office receptionist, ran ahead of him to hold it open. 科普女士——那位红发的前台接待员——奔到他前面,把门打开。
The grandmotherly nurse looked up from a novel, astonished, 那位祖母般慈祥的护士从一本小说里抬起头,大吃一惊。
as Edward swung me into the room and placed me gently on the crackly paper that covered the brown vinyl mattress on the one cot. 爱德华侧着身把我抱进房间,轻轻地把我放在那张覆盖在屋里唯一一张帆布床的吹塑床垫上的,脆弱的薄纸上。
Then he moved to stand against the wall as far across the narrow room as possible. His eyes were bright, excited. 然后他穿过这间狭小的屋子,走到屋子另一头靠墙站着,尽可能站得离我远些。他的眼睛兴奋得发亮。