英语听力 暮光之城•暮色 第71期:第五章 血型(24)(在线收听

 "I have too much Charlie in me. She's more outgoing than I am, and braver. “我遗传了太多查理的特点。她比我更直率,更勇敢些。

She's irresponsible and slightly eccentric, and she's a very unpredictable cook. 她很不靠谱,性子有些古怪。她的厨艺总是充满了未知数。
She's my best friend." I stopped. Talking about her was making me depressed. 她是我最好的朋友。”我停了下来。谈论她的事总让我有些沮丧。
"How old are you, Bella?" His voice sounded frustrated for some reason I couldn't imagine. “你今年高寿,贝拉?”出于某种某种我无法想象的原因,他的声音听起来充满了挫败感。
He'd stopped the car, and I realized we were at Charlie's house already. 他已经把车停了下来,我意识到我们已经到了查理的家。
The rain was so heavy that I could barely see the house at all. 雨太大了,我只能勉强看见屋子的轮廓。
It was like the car was submerged under a river. 就好像车子被河水淹没了一样。
"I'm seventeen," I responded, a little confused. “我十七岁。”我有些困惑地答道。
"You don't seem seventeen." “你可不像十七岁的人。”
His tone was reproachful; it made me laugh. 他的语气颇有些责备的意味,这让我笑了起来。
"What?" he asked, curious again. “怎么了?”他问道,又一次好奇起来。
"My mom always says I was born thirty-five years old and that I get more middle-aged every year." “我妈总说我一生下来就三十五岁了,而且每一年都在变得更加老气横秋。”
I laughed, and then sighed. "Well, someone has to be the adult." I paused for a second. 我笑着说道,然后叹了口气。“嗯,有些人不得不变成大人。”我停顿了一秒。
"You don't seem much like a junior in high school yourself," I noted. “你自己看起来也不像一个还在念中学的初中生。”我指出。
He made a face and changed the subject. 他做了个鬼脸,然后转移了话题。
"So why did your mother marry Phil?" “那么,为什么你母亲会和菲尔结婚呢?”
I was surprised he would remember the name; I'd mentioned it just once, almost two months ago. It took me a moment to answer. 我很惊讶:他居然还记得这个名字。我只提过一次,而且那是两个月以前的事了。我想了一会儿,才答道。
"My mother… she's very young for her age. I think Phil makes her feel even younger. “我的母亲……她的心态比她的实际年龄年轻得多。
At any rate, she's crazy about him." I shook my head. The attraction was a mystery to me. 我想菲尔让她感觉更年轻了。至少,她疯狂地迷恋着他。”我摇着头。这种吸引力对我来说实在是个谜。