英语听力 暮光之城•暮色 第75期:第六章 惊悚故事(1)(在线收听

 Chapter 6 SCARY STORIES 第六章 惊悚故事

As I sat in my room, trying to concentrate on the third act of Macbeth, I was really listening for my truck.  当我坐在我的房间里,试图把注意力集中在《麦克白》的第三幕时,我依然竖起耳朵注意听着我的卡车的动静。
I would have thought, even over the pounding rain, I could have heard the engine's roar.  我本来以为,即使透过磅礴大雨,那个引擎的咆哮依然能够传进我的耳中。
But when I went to peek out the curtain — again — it was suddenly there. 但当我从窗帘后往外偷看——才第二次——的时候,它忽然就在那儿了。
I wasn't looking forward to Friday, and it more than lived up to my non-expectations.  我一点儿也不渴望星期五的到来,但那天的情形远远超出了我悲观的预期。
Of course there were the fainting comments.  当然,这里面有那次晕厥事件的因素。
Jessica especially seemed to get a kick out of that story.  杰西卡似乎相当渴望得到有关那个故事的谈资。
Luckily Mike had kept his mouth shut, and no one seemed to know about Edward's involvement.  幸运地是,迈克守口如瓶,所以似乎没人知道爱德华也掺和进来了。
She did have a lot of questions about lunch, though. 尽管,她确实问了不少关于那次午餐的问题。
"So what did Edward Cullen want yesterday?" Jessica asked in Trig. “那么,昨天爱德华·卡伦到底想干嘛?”三角函数课上,杰西卡问道。
"I don't know," I answered truthfully. "He never really got to the point." “我不知道。”我如实答道。“他一直没说到点子上。”
"You looked kind of mad," she fished. “那时你看上去有点抓狂。”她迂回地试探着。
"Did I?" I kept my expression blank. “真的?”我让自己保持面无表情。
"You know, I've never seen him sit with anyone but his family before. That was weird." “你知道,之前我从没见过他跟他家人以外的任何人一起坐。这太不可思议了。”
"Weird," I agreed.  “不可思议。”我附和着。
She seemed annoyed; she flipped her dark curls impatiently —  她似乎有些生气。她不耐烦地拨开了她的黑色卷发——
I guessed she'd been hoping to hear something that would make a good story for her to pass on. 我猜她本来希望能听到一些更有助于她编个好故事来散播的内容的。
The worst part about Friday was that, even though I knew he wasn't going to be there, I still hoped.  星期五最糟糕的部分在于,尽管我早就知道他不会在那里的,我还是满心期待着。