英语听力 暮光之城•暮色 第104期:第七章 梦魇(9)(在线收听

 I forced myself to focus on the two most vital questions I had to answer, but I did so unwillingly. 我强迫自己把注意力集中在两个最重要的,我必须解决的问题上,但我实在很不情愿这样做。

First, I had to decide if it was possible that what Jacob had said about the Cullens could be true. 首先,我必须作出判断,有没有这种可能,即雅克布所说的关于卡伦一家的事是真的。
Immediately my mind responded with a resounding negative.  我的心立刻作出了强烈的否定回答。
It was silly and morbid to entertain such ridiculous notions.  用这么荒谬的想法来取乐既愚蠢又神经。
But what, then? I asked myself. There was no rational explanation for how I was alive at this moment.  但是,那又怎样呢?没有一个合理的解释能说明为什么此时此刻我还活着。
I listed again in my head the things I'd observed myself:  我又一次在脑海中列出我自己观察到的东西:
the impossible speed and strength, the eye color shifting from black to gold and back again,  不可思议的速度和强壮,从黑色变成金色然后又变回来的眸色,
the inhuman beauty, the pale, frigid skin.  超越常人的美丽,苍白冰冷的肌肤。
And more, small things that registered slowly, how they never seemed to eat,  还有更多,一件件小事慢慢地显露出来,譬如他们似乎从不吃东西,
the disturbing grace with which they moved.  他们的举止优雅地惊人。
And the way be sometimes spoke,  还有有时候他们说话的方式,
with unfamiliar cadences and phrases that better fit the style of a turn-of-the-century novel  那种陌生的抑扬顿挫和遣词用句更适合于一本另一个世纪的小说的风格,
than that of a twenty-first-century classroom.  而非二十一世纪的教室。
He had skipped class the day we'd done blood typing.  我们检测血型那天他翘课了。
He hadn't said no to the beach trip till he heard where we were going.  他一直没说不去海滩之旅,直到他听到我们要去的地方。
He seemed to know what everyone around him was thinking… except me.  他似乎知道他周围的每个人都在想些什么……除了我。
He had told me he was the villain, dangerous… 他告诉过我他是坏人,非常危险……
Could the Cullens be vampires? 卡伦一家有可能是吸血鬼吗?
Well, they were something.  嗯,他们确实是某种东西。
Something outside the possibility of rational justification was taking place in front of my incredulous eyes.  某种在合理判断的可能性之外的事情正在我明察秋毫的眼睛前发生着。
Whether it be Jacob's cold ones or my own superhero theory,  不管是雅克布所说的冷族还是我自己的超级英雄论,
Edward Cullen was not… human. He was something more. 爱德华·卡伦都不会是……人类。他是某种超越人类的存在。
So then — maybe. That would have to be my answer for now. 那么——或许吧。这就是我现在能得出的结论。
And then the most important question of all. What was I going to do if it was true? 另一个问题尤为重要。如果这是真的,我要怎么做?