英语听力 暮光之城•暮色 第111期:第七章 梦魇(16)(在线收听

 "It's time for class, and I can't be late again." I gathered my books up and stuffed them in my bag. “上课的时间到了,我不能再迟到了。”我把书收起来,塞进包里。 

We walked in silence to building three, and his expression was distracted. 我们沉默着向三号楼走去,他一脸的心烦意乱。
I hoped whatever thoughts he was immersed in were leading him in the right direction. 我希望不管让他陷入沉思的内容是什么,最好都能把他领到正确的方向上去。
When I saw Jessica in Trig, she was bubbling with enthusiasm.  当我在三角函数课上看见杰西卡时,她正热切地说个不停。
She, Angela, and Lauren were going to Port Angeles tonight to go dress shopping for the dance,  她,安吉拉还有劳伦准备今晚去天使港买舞会上穿的礼服,
and she wanted me to come, too, even though I didn't need one.  而且她希望我也去,尽管我并不需要买。
I was indecisive. It would be nice to get out of town with some girlfriends,  我迟疑着。和几个小女友一起到镇外去是件好事,
but Lauren would be there. And who knew what I could be doing tonight…  可劳伦也在。而且谁知道我今晚能做什么……
But that was definitely the wrong path to let my mind wander down.  但显然是那条错误的小路让我的心思徘徊不定的。
Of course I was happy about the sunlight.  当然,我喜欢阳光。
But that wasn't completely responsible for the euphoric mood I was in, not even close. 但这并非是我心情愉快的全部原因,事实上,根本就不沾边。
So I gave her a maybe, telling her I'd have to talk with Charlie first. 所以我只给了她一个模棱两可的答复,告诉她我得先问问查理。
She talked of nothing but the dance on the way to Spanish,  去上西班牙语课的时候,她一直滔滔不绝地说着舞会的事,无暇谈及其他,
continuing as if without an interruption when class finally ended, five minutes late,  甚至直到上完课的时候都没停下来过。五分钟后,
and we were on our way to lunch.  我们去吃午餐。
I was far too lost in my own frenzy of anticipation to notice much of what she said.  我完全沉浸在自己疯狂的渴望之中,几乎没怎么注意到她说了什么。
I was painfully eager to see not just him but all the Cullens  我痛苦地渴望着见到他,但不只是他,还有所有的卡伦家的孩子
to compare them with the new suspicions that plagued my mind.  把他们和折磨着我的头脑的猜疑一一对比。
As I crossed the threshold of the cafeteria,  当我穿过自助餐厅的入口时,
I felt the first true tingle of fear slither down my spine and settle in my stomach.  我第一次真切地感受到了一阵恐惧的刺痛滑过我的脊柱,落到我的胃里。
Would they be able to know what I was thinking? And then a different feeling jolted through me 他们能知道我在想什么吗?然后,另一种完全不同的感觉颠覆着我
would Edward be waiting to sit with me again? 爱德华会再次等着和我坐到一起吗?