英语听力 暮光之城•暮色 第115期:第七章 梦魇(20)(在线收听

 The Port Angeles scheme was back on again for tonight and made all the more attractive by the fact that Lauren had other obligations. 天使港计划今晚将重新启动,让一切变得更有吸引力的是劳伦另有贵干的事实。

I was anxious to get out of town so I could stop glancing over my shoulder, 我迫不及待地想要到镇外去,这样我就能停下来不再从肩膀上看过去,
hoping to see him appearing out of the blue the way he always did. 希望能看见他像平常一样出人意料地出现在那里。
I vowed to myself that I would be in a good mood tonight and not ruin Angela's or Jessica's enjoyment in the dress hunting. 我向自己发誓,我今晚要过得非常愉快,而且不能在扫货的时候让安吉拉或者杰西卡扫兴。
Maybe I could do a little clothes shopping as well. 也许我也应该买点衣服。
I refused to think that I might be shopping alone in Seattle this weekend, no longer interested in the earlier arrangement. 我拒绝想到这周末我可能得孤零零地在西雅图购物,对更早些时候的行程安排毫无兴致。
Surely he wouldn't cancel without at least telling me. 当然,他不会单方面地取消约定的,至少会告诉我一声。
After school, Jessica followed me home in her old white Mercury so that I could ditch my books and truck. 放学后,杰西卡开着她老掉牙的白色水星跟着我回家,这样我就能把书和车扔在家里。
I brushed through my hair quickly when I was inside, feeling a slight lift of excitement as I contemplated getting out of Forks. 当我在屋里的时候,我飞快地刷了几下头发。一想到能逃离福克斯,我就感到一阵轻微的亢奋。
I left a note for Charlie on the table, explaining again where to find dinner, 我在桌上给查理留了张纸条,再次告诉他在哪里可以找到他的晚饭,
switched my scruffy wallet from my school bag to a purse I rarely used, and ran out to join Jessica. 然后从我的书包里取出那个破旧的钱夹,把里面的东西都转到一只我很少用的钱包里,然后跑出去找杰西卡。
We went to Angela's house next, and she was waiting for us. 接下来我们去了安吉拉家,她正等着我们。
My excitement increased exponentially as we actually drove out of the town limits. 当我们真的开出小镇的范围时,我的兴奋开始以指数形式增长。