英语听力 暮光之城•暮色 第116期:第八章 天使港(1)(在线收听

 8. PORT ANGELES 第八章 天使港

Jess drove faster than the Chief, so we made it to Port Angeles by four. 杰西开车比警长还快,所以我们四点就到了天使港。
It had been a while since I'd had a girls' night out, and the estrogen rush was invigorating. 距我的上一次女孩夜间出行已经有一段时间了,所以在我体内奔涌的雌性激素让我十分亢奋。
We listened to whiny rock songs while Jessica jabbered on about the boys we hung out with. 我们听着烦人的摇滚乐,杰西卡含糊不清地说着和我们一起玩的男孩。
Jessica's dinner with Mike had gone very well, 杰西卡和迈克的晚餐进行得相当顺利,
and she was hoping that by Saturday night they would have progressed to the first-kiss stage. 她希望周六晚上他们可以进展到初吻阶段。
I smiled to myself, pleased. Angela was passively happy to be going to the dance, but not really interested in Eric. 我愉快地向自己笑了笑。安吉拉只是随大流地对参加舞会感到高兴,但对埃里克真的没什么兴趣。
Jess tried to get her to confess who her type was, but I interrupted with a question about dresses after a bit, to spare her. 杰西试图逼供出她喜欢的男生类型,但稍后就被我用一个关于衣服的提问给打断了,便放过了她。
Angela threw a grateful glance my way. 安吉拉向我投来感激的一瞥。
Port Angeles was a beautiful little tourist trap, much more polished and quaint than Forks. 天使港是个小巧精致的专坑游客的风景点,比福克斯更漂亮,更有趣。
But Jessica and Angela knew it well, so they didn't plan to waste time on the picturesque boardwalk by the bay. 但杰西卡和安吉拉对这里很熟,所以她们根本没在岸边的观光大道浪费时间。
Jess drove straight to the one big department store in town, which was a few streets in from the bay area's visitor-friendly face. 杰西径直开向了镇上一家大型百货商店,那里和戴着游客至上的面具的海岸区域只隔着几条街道。
The dance was billed as semiformal, and we weren't exactly sure what that meant. 海报上说这是一次半正式舞会,但我们不太能肯定那意味着什么。
Both Jessica and Angela seemed surprised and almost disbelieving when I told them I'd never been to a dance in Phoenix. 当我告诉杰西卡和安吉拉在凤凰城我从没参加过舞会的时候,她们两个都大吃一惊,简直难以置信。
"Didn't you ever go with a boyfriend or something?" Jess asked dubiously as we walked through the front doors of the store. “难道你从来都没有跟男朋友或者之类的人去过吗?”我们穿过商店的前门时,杰西卡怀疑地问道。
"Really," I tried to convince her, not wanting to confess my dancing problems. “真的。”我力求让她相信这一点,不想坦白承认我的跳舞问题。
"I've never had a boyfriend or anything close. I didn't go out much." “我从来没有过男朋友,或者类似的人。我很少出去。”