英语听力 暮光之城•暮色 第130期:第八章 天使港(15)(在线收听

 "I think you should eat something." Edward's voice was low, but full of authority. “我觉得你最好吃点东西。”爱德华的声音很低,却充满了威严。

He looked up at Jessica and spoke slightly louder. 他抬头看着杰西卡,稍稍提高了音量。
"Do you mind if I drive Bella home tonight? “你介意我今晚开车送贝拉回家吗?
That way you won't have to wait while she eats." 这样你就不用在她吃东西的时候等着了。”
"Uh, no problem, I guess..." She bit her lip, trying to figure out from my expression whether that was what I wanted. “嗯,没问题,我猜……”她咬住唇,试图从我的表情看出哪个才是我想要的。
I winked at her. 我向她使了个眼色。
I wanted nothing more than to be alone with my perpetual savior. 我什么也不想要,只想和我永远的救星待在一起。
There were so many questions that I couldn't bombard him with till we were by ourselves. 我有太多太多的问题要问了,但只有在我们独处的时候,我才能轰炸他。
"Okay." Angela was quicker than Jessica. " “好吧。”安吉拉比杰西卡反应得更快。
See you tomorrow, Bella... Edward." “明天见,贝拉……爱德华。”
She grabbed Jessica's hand and pulled her toward the car, 她抓住杰西卡的手,拖着她向车子走去。
which I could see a little ways away, parked across First Street. 我看见她的车子离这里不远,停在了第一街上。
As they got in, Jess turned and waved, her face eager with curiosity. 当她们上车的时候,杰西回过头来向我挥手,她的脸上充满了好奇的渴望。
I waved back, waiting for them to drive away before I turned to face him. 我也向她们挥手,一直等到她们把车开走,才转过身去面对他。
"Honestly, I'm not hungry," I insisted, looking up to scrutinize his face. “老实说,我一点儿也不饿。”我坚持说着,抬起头端详着他的脸。
His expression was unreadable. 他的神情有些难以捉摸。
"Humor me." “就当是为了我。”
He walked to the door of the restaurant and held it open with an obstinate expression. 他向餐厅的大门走去,推开门,用固执的神情把门撑住。
Obviously, there would be no further discussion. 显然,已经没商量了。
I walked past him into the restaurant with a resigned sigh. 我顺从地叹了口气,从他身旁走过,进了餐厅。