英语听力 暮光之城•暮色 第145期:第九章 理论(9)(在线收听

 We were both silent then. I watched the headlights twist with the curves of the road. 然后,我们都沉默了。我看见前灯的光线在路面拐弯的地方扭曲着。

They moved too fast; it didn't look real, it looked like a video game. 它们移动得这样快,看上去一点也不真实,像是某个电视游戏。
I was aware of the time slipping away so quickly, like the black road beneath us, 我意识到,时间过得这么快,就像车下漆黑的路面一样,
and I was hideously afraid that I would never have another chance to be with him like this again—openly, the walls between us gone for once. 我心头涌起一股可怕的恐惧感,生怕自己再也没有机会像这样和他在一起了——彼此开诚布公,我们之间的墙消失了,但仅此一次。
His words hinted at an end, and I recoiled from the idea. 他的话暗示着一切都结束了,一想到这个念头,我就畏缩起来。
I couldn't waste one minute I had with him. 我不能再浪费我和他在一起的任何一分钟了。
"Tell me more," I asked desperately, not caring what he said, just so I could hear his voice again. “告诉我更多的事。”我不顾一切地问道,根本不在乎他说什么,只想再一次听到他的声音。
He looked at me quickly, startled by the change in my tone. "What more do you want to know?" 他飞快地看着我,为我语气的转变而震惊着:“你想要知道更多什么的?”
"Tell me why you hunt animals instead of people," I suggested, my voice still tinged with desperation. “告诉我你为什么猎食动物而非人类。”我建议道,声音里依然带着绝望的气息。
I realized my eyes were wet, and I fought against the grief that was trying to overpower me. 我意识到自己的眼睛已经潮湿了,我反抗着那阵试图压制我的悲痛。
"I don't want to be a monster." His voice was very low. “我不想成为一个怪物。”他的声音很低。
"But animals aren't enough?" “但动物并不能让你满足?”
He paused. "I can't be sure, of course, but I'd compare it to living on tofu and soy milk; 他顿了顿:“当然,我不能肯定。但我可以把它比作靠豆腐和豆奶过活。
we call ourselves vegetarians, our little inside joke. 我们称自己为素食者,这是我们私底下的小玩笑。
It doesn't completely satiate the hunger—or rather thirst. But it keens us strong enough to resist. Most of the time." 这并不能完全满足饥饿或者说,口渴。大多数时候是这样。”
His tone turned ominous. 他的语气有所保留。