英语听力 暮光之城•暮色 第147期:第九章 理论(11)(在线收听

 "What?" “什么?”

"Your hands", he reminded me. “你的手。”他提醒我。
I looked down at my palms, at the almost-healed scrapes across the heels of my hands. 我低下头看自己的掌心,看见了手腕上那些快愈合了的擦伤。
His eyes missed nothing. 什么都逃不过他的眼睛。
"I fell," I sighed. "That's what I thought." “我摔倒了。”我叹了口气。“这正是我想到的。”
His lips curved up at the corners. 他的嘴角弯了起来。
"I suppose, being you, it could have been much worse and that possibility tormented me the entire time I was away. “我料想着,就你来说,情况本来可能会更糟而这正是在我离开的整个时间里一直折磨着我的痛苦的根源。
It was a very long three days. I really got on Emmett's nerves." 这真是非常漫长的。艾美特几乎被我烦死了。”
He smiled ruefully at me. 他惨兮兮地向我笑着。
"Three days? Didn't you just get back today?" “三天?你不是昨天才回来吗?”
"No, we got back Sunday." “不,我们星期天就回来了。”
"Then why weren't any of you in school?" “那为什么你们都不回学校呢?”
I was frustrated, almost angry as I thought of how much disappointment I had suffered because of his absence. 我很沮丧,一想到因为他不在我所经受的那么多的失望的折磨,我就愤愤不平。
"Well, you asked if the sun hurt me, and it doesn't. “嗯,你问过我阳光会不会伤害我,当然不会。
But I can't go out in the sunlight—at least, not where anyone can see." 但我不能走到太阳底下——至少,不能在任何会被别人看见的场合。”
"Why?" “为什么?”
"I'll show you sometime," he promised. “我会找个时间向你展示的。”他保证道。
I thought about it for a moment. 我思考了片刻。
"You might have called me," I decided. “你应该打电话给我的。”我下定决心说道。
He was puzzled. "But I knew you were safe." 他很困惑。“但我知道你很安全。”
"But I didn't know where you were. I—" I hesitated, dropping my eyes. “可我不知道你在哪里。我——”我迟疑着,垂下了眼帘。
"What?" His velvety voice was compelling. “什么?”他天鹅绒般的声音催促着。
"I didn't like it. Not seeing you. It makes me anxious, too." I blushed to be saying this out loud. “我不喜欢这样。见不到你。这也让我很不安。”这样大声地说出来让我羞红了脸。
He was quiet. I glanced up, apprehensive, and saw that his expression was pained. 他很安静。我惴惴不安地向他瞥了一眼,看见了他痛苦的神情。
"Ah," he groaned quietly. "This is wrong." “啊,”他低声呻吟道。“这是错误的。”
I couldn't understand his response. 我不能理解他的反应。