英语听力 暮光之城•暮色 第148期:第九章 理论(12)(在线收听

 "What did I say?" “我说了什么?”

"Don't you see, Bella? “你还看不出来吗,贝拉?
It's one thing for me to make myself miserable, but a wholly other thing for you to be so involved." 这完全是两码事:对我来说,是我让自己如此悲惨的;可对你而言,你不应该被牵涉得这么深的。”
He turned his anguished eyes to the road, his words flowing almost too fast for me to understand. 他移开了写满痛苦的目光,看着路面,他说得太快,我根本不明白他话里的意思。
"I don't want to hear that you feel that way." “我不想听到你有这种感觉。”
His voice was low but urgent. His words cut me. 他的声音很低,却很急迫。他的话刺痛了我。
"It's wrong. It's not safe. I'm dangerous, Bella—please, grasp that." “这是错误的。这不安全。我很危险,贝拉——求你了,领会这一点。”
"No." I tried very hard not to look like a sulky child. “不。”我非常艰难地努力不让自己看起来像个闹别扭的孩子。
"I'm serious," he growled. “我是认真的。”他咆哮着。
"So am I. I told you, it doesn't matter what you are. It's too late." “我也是。我告诉过你,你是什么根本无关紧要。太迟了。”
His voice whipped out, low and harsh. "Never say that." 他的声音忽然响起来,低沉而刺耳。“永远不要这样说。”
I bit my lip and was glad he couldn't know how much that hurt. 我咬住唇,庆幸他不会知道这有多伤人。
I stared out at the road. We must be close now. He was driving much too fast. 我看着车外的路面。现在我们一定快到了。他开得太快了。
"What are you thinking?" he asked, his voice still raw. “你在想什么?”他问道,声音依然很阴冷。
I just shook my head, not sure if I could speak. 我只是摇摇头,不确定自己能否说得出口。
I could feel his gaze on my face, but I kept my eyes forward. 我能感觉到他正凝视着我的脸,但我只是看着前方。
"Are you crying?" He sounded appalled. “你在哭吗?”他听起来吓坏了。
I hadn't realized the moisture in my eyes had brimmed over. 可我并没有感觉到眼里的液体盈出眼眶。
I quickly rubbed my hand across my cheek, and sure enough, traitor tears were there, betraying me. 我飞快地用手擦了一下脸颊,确实,叛徒眼泪正在那里,它们出卖了我。
"No," I said, but my voice cracked. “没有。”我说道,但我的声音嘶哑着。
I saw him reach toward me hesitantly with his right hand, but then he stopped and placed it slowly back on the steering wheel. 我看见他迟疑着把右手伸向我,但他停住了,然后慢慢地把手放回了方向盘上。