英语听力 暮光之城•暮色 第153期:第十章 审问(1)(在线收听


It was very hard, in the morning, to argue with the part of me that was sure last night was a dream. 早上,我的某一部分非常肯定昨晚的一切都只是一场梦,而与之辩驳实在是件非常艰难的事。
Logic wasn't on my side, or common sense. 逻辑并不站在我这边,或者说,常识。
I clung to the parts I couldn't have imagined—like his smell. 我抱定了自己绝对想象不出来的那个部分——比方说他的香味。
I was sure I could never have dreamed that up on my own. 我相当确定,我永远都不可能自己梦到这种事的。
It was foggy and dark outside my window, absolutely perfect. 窗外雾蒙蒙,阴沉沉的,实在是好极了。
He had no reason not to be in school today. 他今天可没有理由不来学校了。
I dressed in my heavy clothes, remembering I didn't have a jacket. 我想起来自己的夹克不在,便穿上了层层叠叠的厚衣服。
Further proof that my memory was real. 这进一步证实了我的记忆是真实的。
When I got downstairs, Charlie was gone again—I was running later than I'd realized. 当我下楼的时候,查理也已经走了——我的动作比我意识到的还慢。
I swallowed a granola bar in three bites, chased it down with milk straight from the carton, and then hurried out the door. 我三口就咽下了一个格兰诺拉燕麦棒,直接用一盒牛奶把它送下去,然后匆忙地奔出门外。
Hopefully the rain would hold off until I could find Jessica. 这场雨很有希望能拖延到我找到杰西卡以后才下。
It was unusually foggy; the air was almost smoky with it. 这雾大得不可思议:空气里几乎浸透了浓雾,一片模糊。
The mist was ice cold where it clung to the exposed skin on my face and neck. 雾气侵袭着我暴露在空气中的脸部和脖子的肌肤,冰冷刺骨。
I couldn't wait to get the heat going in my truck. 我迫不及待地想要钻进车里取暖。
It was such a thick fog that I was a few feet down the driveway before I realized there was a car in it: a silver car. 这雾太浓了,当我离车道只有几英尺远的时候,我才注意到那里有一辆银色的车。
My heart thudded, stuttered, and then picked up again in double time. 我的心砰砰直响,如小鹿乱撞,然后很快又找回了自己的节奏。
I didn't see where he came from, but suddenly he was there, pulling the door open for me. 我没看见他是从哪里冒出来的,但忽然间他就在那里了,为我拉开车门。
"Do you want to ride with me today?" he asked, amused by my expression as he caught me by surprise yet again. “今天你愿意搭我的车吗?”他问道,被我的表情逗乐了。他又一次出其不意地抓到了我。
There was uncertainty in his voice. 他的声音里充满了不确定。
He was really giving me a choice—I was free to refuse, and part of him hoped for that. It was a vain hope. 他确实给了我一个选择的机会——我完全可以拒绝,而且他的一部分希望我这样做。这是一种徒劳的希望。