英语听力 暮光之城•暮色 第159期:第十章 审问(7)(在线收听

 "I know," I agreed. "Wow" didn't even cover it. “我知道。”我很赞同。“哇”根本不足以概括它。

"Wait!" Her hands flew up, palms toward me like she was stopping traffic. "Has he kissed you?" “等等!”她飞快地伸出手,掌心冲着我,就好像她在拦截车流一样。“他吻你了吗?”
"No," I mumbled. "It's not like that." “没有。”我含糊地说道。“根本没那回事。”
She looked disappointed. I'm sure I did, too. 她看上去很失望。我敢肯定,我也是。
"Do you think Saturday... ?" She raised her eyebrows. “你觉得星期六……?”她扬起眉毛。
"I really doubt it." The discontent in my voice was poorly disguised. “我相当怀疑。”很难掩饰我声音里的不满。
"What did you talk about?" She pushed for more information in a whisper. “你们都说了些什么?”她耳语道,迫切地想要知道更多详情。
Class had started but Mr. Varner wasn't paying close attention and we weren't the only ones still talking. 已经开始上课了,但温纳老师没怎么注意我们俩,教室里不止我们一对在说话。
"I don't know, Jess, lots of stuff," I whispered back. "We talked about the English essay a little." “我不知道,杰西。说了很多话。”我对她耳语道。“我们稍微讨论了一下英语课的论文。”
A very, very little. I think he mentioned it in passing. 非常,非常少。我想他曾经提到过这个。
"Please, Bella," she begged. "Give me some details." “求你了,贝拉,”她恳求道。“再跟我说得详细些。”
"Well... okay, I've got one. “嗯……好吧。我想到了一个。
You should have seen the waitress flirting with him—it was over the top. But he didn't pay any attention to her at all." 你真应该看看那个女招待是怎么向他卖弄风情的——简直太过分了。但他根本没注意到她。”
Let him make what he could of that. 让他自行理解这件事吧。
"That's a good sign," she nodded. "Was she pretty?" “这是个好兆头。”她点点头。“她漂亮吗?”
"Very—and probably nineteen or twenty." “非常漂亮——大概是十九岁或者二十岁的样子。”
"Even better. He must like you." “更好了。他一定很喜欢你。”
"I think so, but it's hard to tell. He's always so cryptic," I threw in for his benefit, sighing. “我也是这样想的。但这实在很难说。他总是含糊其辞。”为着他的缘故,我叹息着,加上了这句。
"I don't know how you're brave enough to be alone with him," she breathed. “我不知道你是怎么有勇气和他独处的。”她喘息着说。