英语听力 暮光之城•暮色 第160期:第十章 审问(8)(在线收听

 "Why?" I was shocked, but she didn't understand my reaction. “为什么?”我震惊了,但她误解了我的反应。

"He's so... intimidating. I wouldn't know what to say to him." “他太……吓人了。我不知道该怎么形容他。”
She made a face, probably remembering this morning or last night, when he'd turned the overwhelming force of his eyes on her. 她做了个鬼脸,大概想起了今天早上或者昨晚的事,那时候他把那种充满了压倒性的魔力的眼神施展到了她身上。
"I do have some trouble with incoherency when I'm around him," I admitted. “当我在他身旁的时候,我确实很难让自己保持理性。”我坦承道。
"Oh well. He is unbelievably gorgeous." Jessica shrugged as if this excused any flaws. “哦是的。他俊美得不可思议。”杰西卡耸耸肩,就像这是某种可以原谅的缺点一样。
Which, in her book, it probably did. 这个,在她的字典里,也许是这样。
"There's a lot more to him than that." “他不仅仅是这样。”
"Really? Like what?" “真的?例如?”
I wished I had let it go. Almost as much as I was hoping he'd been kidding about listening in. 我希望我能把这话说出来。这种愿望几乎和我所希望的他只是开玩笑说要偷听一样强烈。
"I can't explain it right...but he's even more unbelievable behind the face." “我没法确切地解释……但他比表面上看起来的还要让人难以置信。”
The vampire who wanted to be good—who ran around saving people's lives so he wouldn't be a monster 一个想要做个好人的吸血鬼——他四处奔忙,去拯救别人的性命,那样他就不会是一个怪物了……
I stared toward the front of the room. 我注视着教室的前方。
"Is that possible?" She giggled. “这可能吗?”她咯咯地笑了起来。
I ignored her, trying to look like I was paying attention to Mr. Varner. 我不去理会她,试图装出正在专心听温纳老师讲课的样子。
"So you like him, then?" She wasn't about to give up. “那么,你是喜欢他的咯?”她不打算放弃。
"Yes," I said curtly. “是的。”我简略地说道。
"I mean, do you really like him?" she urged. “我是说,你真的喜欢他?”她催促着。
"Yes, I said again, blushing. I hoped that detail wouldn't register in her thoughts. “是的。”我叹息着说道,两颊飞红。我希望她没有把这个细节纳入她的思路里。
She'd had enough with the single syllable answers. How much do you like him?" 她受够了这种单音节的回答。“你有多喜欢他?”
"Too much," I whispered back. "More than he likes me. But I don't see how I can help that." “非常喜欢。”我向她耳语道。“比他对我的喜欢还要多。但我不知道该怎么办。”
I sighed, one blush blending into the next. 我叹息着,羞怯一阵接一阵涌上我的脸来。