英语听力 暮光之城•暮色 第167期:第十章 审问(15)(在线收听

 "Yet," he added. “是目前为止还没有。”他补充道。

"Yet," I agreed; I would have argued, but now I wanted him to be expecting disasters. “是啊。”我赞同道。我本应该和他争论的,但现在我只想让他的期望落空。
"I have another question for you." His face was still casual. “我还有另一个问题要问你。”他依然是一脸漫不经心的神情。
"Shoot." “有话直说。”
"Do you really need to go to Seattle this Saturday, or was that just an excuse to get out of saying no to all your admirers?" “这周六你真的需要去西雅图吗,或者这只是用来对你所有的倾慕者说不的借口?”
I made a face at the memory. "You know, I haven't forgiven you for the Tyler thing yet," I warned him. 想起这件事,我就不由得做了个鬼脸:“你要知道,我还没原谅你泰勒那件事呢。”我警告他。
"It's your fault that he's deluded himself into thinking I'm going to prom with him." “都是你的错,他才会自欺欺人地想着我会和他一起去正式舞会。”
"Oh, he would have found a chance to ask you without me—I just really wanted to watch your face," he chuckled, “噢,就算没有我他也会找到机会邀请你的——我只是想看看你的表情,”他轻笑着。
I would have been angrier if his laughter wasn't so fascinating. 如果不是他的笑声如此迷人的话,我本来会更生气些的。
"If I'd asked you, would you have turned me down?" he asked, still laughing to himself. “如果我曾邀请你,你会拒绝我吗?”他问道,依然向自己大笑着。
"Probably not," I admitted. "But I would have canceled later—faked an illness or a sprained ankle." “也许不会。”我坦承道。“但稍后我会食言的——捏造病情或者假装扭伤脚踝。”
He was puzzled. "Why would you do that?" 他很困惑:“为什么你要这样做呢?”
I shook my head sadly. "You've never seen me in Gym, I guess, but I would have thought you would understand." 我悲哀地摇了摇头。“我猜,你没见过我上体育课的样子,但我原本以为你会理解的。”
"Are you referring to the fact that you can't walk across a flat, stable surface without finding something to trip over?" “你是在谈论你没法走过一段平坦的,稳固的路面而找不到任何东西来绊倒你的这个事实吗?”
"Obviously." “很显然。”
"That wouldn't be a problem." He was very confident. “那不会是个问题。”他很有把握地说。
"It's all in the leading." He could see that I was about to protest, and he cut me off. “这取决于谁来领你跳舞。”他看得出我正要提出异议,于是他打断了我。
"But you never told me—are you resolved on going to Seattle, or do you mind if we do something different?" “可你还没告诉我——你是不是非去西雅图不可,或者说,你是否介意我们去做点别的事?”