英语听力 暮光之城•暮色 第172期:第十一章 复杂(1)(在线收听

 11. COMPLICATIONS 第十一章 复杂

Everyone watched us as we walked together to our lab table. 当我们一起走向我们的实验桌时,每个人都在看着我们。
I noticed that he no longer angled the chair to sit as far from me as the desk would allow. 我注意到他再也没有坐到椅子一角上,在桌子允许的范围内尽可能的远离我。
Instead, he sat quite close beside me, our arms almost touching. 相反地,他紧紧地挨着我,我们的胳膊几乎要碰到一起了。
Mr. Banner backed into the room then—what superb timing the man had— 然后班纳老师回到了教室——这男人的时间感绝对是一流的
pulling a tall metal frame on wheels that held a heavy-looking, outdated TV and VCR. 拉着一个高高的带轮子的金属架,上面放着一台看着很笨重的老式电视机和录像机。
A movie day—the lift in the class atmosphere was almost tangible. 一次电影日——教室里的昂扬气氛几乎能摸得着了。
Mr. Banner shoved the tape into the reluctant VCR and walked to the wall to turn off the lights. 班纳老师把磁带推进了那台不太情愿的录像机,走到墙边关上了灯。
And then, as the room went black, I was suddenly hyperaware that Edward was sitting less than an inch from me. 然后,当教室里完全暗下来的时候,我忽然敏感地意识到了爱德华正坐在我身旁,不到一英寸的地方。
I was stunned by the unexpected electricity that flowed through me, amazed that it was possible to be more aware of him than I already was. 我被一股意外地流过我全身的电流震住了,我发现自己可能比已经做到的还要更加强烈地意识到爱德华的存在,这让我很惊讶。
A crazy impulse to reach over and touch him, to stroke his perfect face just once in the darkness, nearly overwhelmed me. 一种疯狂的冲动——在黑暗中伸出手触碰他,去抚摸他完美的面孔,就这一次——几乎要征服了我。
I crossed my arms tightly across my chest, my hands balling into fists. I was losing my mind. 我紧紧地把胳膊交叉在胸前,我的手握成了拳。我快要发狂了。
The opening credits began, lighting the room by a token amount. 片头字幕开始了,微弱的光线象征性地照着屋子。
My eyes, of their own accord, flickered to him. 我的眼睛,出于它们自己的意愿,飞快地向他一瞥。
I smiled sheepishly as I realized his posture was identical to mine, fists clenched under his arms, right down to the eyes, peering sideways at me. 当我意识到他的姿势和我完全一样,也是在手臂下紧握着拳头,从眼皮底下,偷偷地瞄着我时,我羞怯地笑了。
He grinned back, his eyes somehow managing to smolder, even in the dark. 他向我咧嘴一笑,不知为何,他的眼睛在黑暗中压抑地燃烧着。
I looked away before I could start hyperventilating. 在我气息不稳以前,我移开了视线。
It was absolutely ridiculous that I should feel dizzy. 这实在太荒谬了,我居然感到头晕目眩。