【大家说英语】 第127期:我要练习(2)(在线收听

 March 6 3月6日

Read it! 读读看!
Phew! Practice can make you tired, but it is important for making progress. 呼!练习乐器会让人很疲累,可是要进步就得练习。
If you want to improve and become a successful musician, you must practice often. 如果你想要进步而成为成功的音乐家,你就必须经常练习。
Be careful to play each note the right way. 要仔细以正确的方式弹奏出每一个音。
Is the note loud or soft, fast or slow, long or short? 这个音该重音还是轻声,拍子快还是慢,长还是短?
And last─don't forget to add emotion! 最后…也不要忘了添加情感!
Enjoy the music! 享受音乐吧!
Conversation A 会话A
Good job! The song sounded a lot better! 漂亮!现在我们演奏得好听多了!
I think we got it now. 我想现在我们抓到诀窍总算学会了。
How do you feel? 妳觉得怎么样?
Tired, but great! 很累,可是感觉很棒!
We made a lot of progress. 我们进步了许多。
I agree. You've improved a lot! 我同意。妳进步了很多!
I can play all the right notes. 我可以把所有的音都弹对,
And we can play together at the same time now. 而且我们现在拍子也对,可以合奏了。
Yeah! Not too fast, not too slow! 是啊!不会太快,也不会太慢!
Talent show, here we come! 才艺表演节目,我们来了!
Conversation B 会话B
Hi! How was practice? 嗨!练习进行得怎么样啦?
Great! We've made a lot of progress. 很棒!我们进步了很多,
The practice has really improved my playing. 练习真的让我的演奏大为改进。
That's important. 这点很重要。
If you want to be a successful musician, you have to practice a lot! 妳如果想要成为成功的音乐家,就必须常常练习!
Yes! Practice helps you learn the right notes. 没错!练习能够帮助你奏出正确的音。
True. But practice can also help you with so much more. 的确,可是练习还可以为妳带来许多帮助。
There's more to music than just the notes. 弹奏音乐不是只有正确的音而已。
Conversation C 会话C
Loud or soft, fast or slow, long or short ... 重音或轻声,拍子快或慢,长或短…
That's right! There are different ways to play each note. 没错!每个音都有各种不同的弹奏方式。
It makes the music more interesting to listen to. 这样音乐听起来才会更有意思。
Music also needs emotion! 音乐也需要情感!
Play it with feeling! Enjoy the song. 要带着感情演奏!享受妳演奏的曲子。
I'll remember that. Thanks, Rob. 我会记住的。罗柏,谢了。
What are you carrying? 你拿着什么?
I decided to play my violin for the talent show. 我决定在才艺表演节目上拉小提琴。
So ... I'm going to practice! 所以…我得练习!