【大家说英语】 第130期:上银行办事(在线收听

 Lesson 5 Around Town 第五课 城镇地标

March 11 3月11日
A Trip to the Bank 上银行办事
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Susie and Taylor are going to the bank at lunch. 苏希与泰乐要利用午休时间到银行去办事。
There are strange charges on Taylor's bank statement. 泰乐的银行对账单上有些奇怪的费用;
Susie can't find her ATM card. 苏希找不到提款卡,
She needs a new one. 她需要办一张新卡,
Then she can withdraw some cash. 这样她才能领现金。
There are many people at the bank. 银行里人很多,
But the line is moving quickly. 但排队的队伍前进得很快。
Conversation A 会话A
What are you doing, Taylor? 泰乐,妳在做什么呀?
Hi, Susie. I'm looking for my bank statement. 嗨,苏希,我在找我的银行对账单。
Why are you looking for your bank statement? 妳为什么要找银行对账单?
There are some strange charges on it. 那上面有些奇怪的费用,
I need to go to the bank. 我必须到银行去一趟。
Oh, OK. 哦,好。
Which bank do you go to? 妳都去哪家银行?
I go to First Union Bank. 我都去第一联合银行。
Me, too! Can we go together at lunch? 我也是耶!我们可以利用午休时间一起去吗?
Sure. 没问题。
Conversation B 会话B
Why do you need to go to the bank, Susie? 苏希,妳为什么需要去银行呢?
I can't find my ATM card. 我找不到我的提款卡,
I lost it yesterday. I think. 我想应该是昨天弄丢了。
Oh, no! That's not good. 糟糕!那样可不好。
Yeah. I need to withdraw some cash! 是啊,我需要领些现金!
So I need a new one. 所以我得办张新卡。
ATM cards are very convenient. 提款卡很方便。
Right. 没错。
Let's go to the bank. 我们去银行吧。
Conversation C 会话C
Wow. There are so many people here. 哇,这里人好多。
I know. Lots of people come to the bank at lunchtime. 是啊, 很多人都会利用午休时间到银行来办事,
But the line is moving quickly. 不过队伍前进得很快。
But is it moving quickly enough? 可是这样前进得够快吗?
We can't be here too long. 我们不能在这里待太久。
I know. We don't want to be late for work. 是啊, 我们可不想上班迟到。
Do you have your bank statement? 妳有带妳的银行对账单吗?
Yes, It's right here. 有,就在这里。