【大家说英语】 第131期:上银行办事(2)(在线收听

 March 12 3月12日

Read it! 读读看!
The bank has a lot of great services. 银行提供许多很棒的服务。
Susie banks online. It saves time! 苏希在网络上管理帐户, 这么做可以节省时间!
But sometimes speaking to a real person is good, too. 可是有时候能够和真人交谈也不错。
Susie can't find her ID. 苏希找不到她的身分证件。
Maybe she left it on the counter at the bank. 说不定她留在银行的柜台上忘了拿走,
Maybe the teller has found it. 说不定银行员找到了她的证件。
Susie can call the bank. 苏希可以打电话到银行去。
Oh! They're holding it for her. 哦!他们帮她收着,
What great customer service! 他们的顾客服务做得真棒!
Conversation A 会话A
I really like this bank. 我真的很喜欢这家银行。
Me, too. They have a lot of great services. 我也是。他们提供许多很棒的服务。
Do you come to the bank a lot? 妳常到银行来吗?
No. I bank online. 没有,我都在网络上管理帐户,
It is easy. 那样很容易。
Oh, that's smart. 哦,妳真聪明,
It can save time. 那样可以节省时间。
But sometimes I like to speak to a real person. 可是有时候我还是喜欢和真人交谈。
Right. Sometimes I like to see a real person, too. 没错,有时候我也喜欢看到真人。
Conversation B 会话B
There you are, Taylor. 泰乐,原来妳在这里。
Hi, Susie. Are you looking for me? 嗨,苏希,妳在找我吗?
Yes. I can't find my ID. 是啊,我找不到我的身分证,
Did you see it? 妳有看到吗?
No. I don't think so. 没有,我不记得有看到,
Maybe you left it on the counter at the bank. 说不定妳放在银行柜台忘了带走。
Maybe the teller found it. 说不定行员找到了。
You should call the bank. 妳应该打电话去银行问问看。
Good idea! I will. Thanks, Taylor. 好主意!我会的。泰乐,谢了。
Conversation C 会话C
Where are you going, Susie? 苏希,妳要去哪里呀?
Hi, Alex. I'm going to the bank again. 嗨,亚力克斯,我又要去银行一趟。
Again? 又一次?
Yes. I left my ID there. 是啊,我把我的证件留在那里了。
Oh, no. But they're holding it for you? 糟糕。可是他们有帮妳收着?
Yes. First United Bank has great customer service. 是啊。第一联合银行的顾客服务做得很棒,
They're keeping my ID safe for me. 他们帮我保管着我的证件。
Well, go soon. The bank closes at 3:00! 那妳赶快去吧, 银行三点就关门了!
I know. I'm going right now! 是啊,我现在就去!