【大家说英语】 第132期:去菜市场(在线收听

 Lesson 6 eReport 第六课 英文札记

March 13 3月13日
The Morning Market 上菜市场
Local markets are interesting places. 在地的传统市场是很有趣的地方。
People go to markets early in the morning to buy fruits, vegetables, meat and fish. 大家都会一大早到市场去买水果、蔬菜、肉类和鱼类。
People also love local markets because the food is very fresh and cheap. 大家也都很喜欢在地传统市场,因为那里的食物非常新鲜,而且又便宜。
Fruits, vegetables and meat often come from the farm the same day they are sold. 水果、蔬菜和肉类通常都是在贩卖当天才从农场送来;
The fish, too, are often very fresh and come to the market straight from the fishing boat. 鱼类通常也都非常新鲜,从渔船直接送到市场。
But the market doesn't sell the same things every day. 不过,市场每天卖的东西不尽相同,
Some fruits and vegetables are only available during certain seasons. 有些水果和蔬菜只有在特定季节才会卖。
At the market, vendors sell chicken, pork and beef. 在市场里,摊商贩卖鸡肉、猪肉与牛肉。
Just tell the vendor what kind of meat you want. 只要告诉摊商你想买哪一种肉,
Then say how much you want, and they will prepare the meat for you. 再说要买多少,他们就会帮你把肉准备好。
If you don't want to cook, you can also buy cooked food at the market. 如果你不想自己煮,也可以在市场买些熟食。
If you find something you like, the vendor will put it in a bag for you. 你如果看到想买的东西,摊商就会帮你用袋子装起来,
Then you can take it home and eat it. That's very convenient! 这样你就可以带回家吃, 这样非常方便!
Do you need any non-food items? 你需要食物以外的东西吗?
You can find those at the market, too! 这些东西在市场上也买得到!
You can buy toys or books there. 你可以在那里买玩具或书籍。
Do you need some new clothes or new shoes? 你需要新衣服或新鞋子吗?
You can also buy those at the market. 你也可以在市场上买。
Some markets also have Chinese medicine stores. 有些市场还有中药铺,
These stores sell herbs and many types of plant and animal parts. 他们贩卖草药材以及许多种类的植物与动物部位。
Many people like to shop at the market. 许多人都喜欢到市场购物,
They can buy almost everything they need in one place! 他们在一个地方就几乎可以买到他们需要的所有东西!