【大家说英语】 第134期:圣帕特里克节(在线收听

 Lesson 8 News 第八课 实时新闻

March 17 3月17日
St. Patrick's Day 圣帕特里克节
The story of St. Patrick 圣帕特里克的故事
Today is St. Patrick's Day. 今天是圣帕特里克节。
Today, people around the world remember the story of Patrick as a young boy. 今天,世界各地的人都会回忆帕特里克小时候的故事。
Pirates attacked his father's home. 海盗攻击了他父亲的家,
They took Patrick to Ireland. 然后把帕特里克掳到爱尔兰去,
They made him work for them. 强迫他为他们工作。
A few years later, Patrick ran away. 几年后,帕特里克逃了出来。
Later, he became a missionary. 后来,他成为传教士,
Then he went back to Ireland. 然后回到了爱尔兰宣教。
Patrick's Day today 当今的圣帕特里克节
In Ireland, people don't work on St. Patrick's Day. 在爱尔兰,众人在圣帕特里克节不会工作,
They don't go to school either. 也不会上学。
Americans also celebrate St. Patrick's Day. 美国人也庆祝圣帕特里克节。
People eat Irish food on St. Patrick's Day. 大家在圣帕特里克节上都吃爱尔兰菜肴,
People also wear green clothes. 并且穿上绿色衣服。
Green is the color of Ireland. 绿色是爱尔兰的代表色,
Don't forget to wear it. 别忘了穿上绿色服装。
If you don't wear green, someone might pinch you! 你如果不穿绿色,别人可能会捏你喔!
Some cities have big parades on St. Patrick's Day. 有些城市会在圣帕特里克节举行盛大游行。
New York City has the biggest parade. 纽约市的游行规模最大,
It has about 200,000 people in it! 约有二十万人参加!
Chicago also has a big parade. 芝加哥也会举行一场大游行,
But they have another special custom, too. 不过,他们还有另一项特殊的习俗。
They make the Chicago River green! 他们会把芝加哥河染成绿色!
Does your city do anything on St. Patrick's Day? 你的城市在圣帕特里克节会举办什么庆祝活动吗?
You may not be from Ireland. But you can still celebrate! 你可能不是爱尔兰人, 但你还是可以庆祝这个节日!