【大家说英语】 第137期:绚烂夕阳(在线收听

 Lesson 10 Nature 第十课 大自然

March 20 3月20日
Sunsets Around the World 绚烂夕阳
Read it! 读读看!
Toby Traveler is a world traveler. 托比.旅行家先生是一位世界旅行家,
He talks about his favorite sunsets around the world. 他谈到他在世界各地最喜欢的夕阳美景。
Some are by the beach. 有些是在海滩上,
Others are near waterfalls. 有些在瀑布旁,
And some are in national parks. 有些则是在国家公园里。
But you don't have to travel to see a beautiful sunset. 不过,你不需要旅行到远方才能欣赏美丽的夕阳。
You can enjoy the beautiful colors wherever you are. 不论你在哪里,都可以享受夕阳绚烂美丽的色彩。
Take advantage of every day and watch the sunset! 趁着每天的机会,欣赏夕阳美景吧!
Conversation A 会话A
Welcome to the show! 欢迎收看我们的节目!
Today we have Toby Traveler with us. 今天我们的来宾是托比.旅行家先生。
Thanks, Rob. I'm glad to be here. 罗柏,谢谢你的邀请,我很高兴可以来到这里。
So you are a world traveler. 所以,你是个世界旅行家。
Yes. I am. I love traveling! 没错, 我热爱旅行!
What is your favorite thing about traveling? 你最喜欢旅行当中的什么事?
I love watching sunsets in many different places! 我很喜欢到各个不同的地方欣赏夕阳!
Can you tell us about your favorite sunsets? 你可以跟我们分享你最喜欢的夕阳美景吗?
I love sunsets at the beach. 我很喜欢海滩上的夕阳。
Conversation B 会话B
Because the beach is right by the sea? 因为海滩就在海边吗?
Right! So you can see the sunset in the water. 没错!所以你可以看见夕阳映照在水中。
That sounds beautiful. 听起来好美。
The sunset in Egypt is really special. 埃及的日落非常特别。
You saw the sunset by the pyramids? 你在金字塔旁看过日落?
Yes! It was amazing. 是啊!真是不可思议的美。
Maybe one day I'll see that, too. 说不定有一天我也会看到那样的美景。
Sunsets near waterfalls are also amazing. 瀑布旁的夕阳也非常美丽。
I'm sure! 一定是的!
Conversation C 会话C
A national park in Africa is one of my favorite places to watch the sunset. 非洲的国家公园是我最喜欢欣赏夕阳的地方之一。
Why is it so special? 那里为什么特别?
The sunset paints the sky and ground red. 那里的夕阳会把天空与地面染成红色,
And you can see many animals then, too. 而且那时候还可以看见许多动物在草原上。
You see so many sunsets in beautiful places. 你在好多美丽的地方欣赏夕阳。
Yes. But my favorite sunset is always today's sunset! 没错,可是我最喜欢的夕阳永远是今天的夕阳!
Take advantage of every day. 要善用每一天的机会享受美景。
Enjoy the sunset wherever you are! 不论你人在哪里,都要好好享受夕阳美景!
Exactly! 没错!