【大家说英语】 第138期:射箭上天(在线收听

 Lesson 11 Sports 第十一课 运动

March 23 3月23日
I Shot an Arrow into the Air! 射箭上天!
Read it! 读读看!
Susie is doing a story on an archery competition. 苏希正在制作一段关于射箭比赛的报导,
It will be in the sports arena on the university campus. 这场比赛将会举行于大学校园里的体育馆内。
Lots of people are coming to shoot arrows. 很多人都前来射箭,
Many of them are excellent shots. 其中许多人都是神射手。
Archery is a popular sport now because many people saw The Hunger Games movies. 现在射箭是一项热门运动,是因为许多人都看了《饥饿游戏》系列电影。
Conversation A 会话A
I shot an arrow into the air ... 我把一支箭射上了天空…
What did you say, Susie? 苏希,妳说什么?
Oh, nothing. I'm just remembering a poem. 哦,没事,  我只是想起了一首诗。
Why are you thinking about poems? 妳为什么在想诗?
I'm not thinking about poems. 我不是在想诗,
I'm thinking about archery. 我是在想射箭的事情。
Archery? 射箭?
Yes. There is an archery competition in town this weekend. 是啊,这个周末城里有一场射箭比赛。
Are you doing a story on it? 妳要做一段报导吗?
Of course! 当然啦!
Conversation B 会话B
Is archery a popular sport? 射箭是热门运动吗?
It is now. Because of The Hunger Games movies. 现在是啊, 因为《饥饿游戏》系列电影的关系。
I know! That girl could really shoot an arrow! 没错!那女孩真会射箭!
She was an excellent shot. 她是个神射手,
She made archery cool. 她把射箭变成了一件酷炫的事情。
There is a lot of interest now. 现在很多人都对射箭产生兴趣,
So now everyone is shooting arrows. 所以大家都在射箭。
Yeah! And a lot of people are coming to town for the competition. 是啊!而且有许多人到城里来参加比赛。
Conversation C 会话C
Where is the competition? 这场比赛在哪里举行?
It's in the big sports arena on the university campus. 在大学校园里的大体育馆。
The competition is indoors? 这场比赛在室内举行?
Yes. Archery competitions can be either inside or outside. 没错,射箭比赛可以在室内,也可以在室外举行。
Interesting. What time does it start? 真有趣。比赛几点开始?
It starts at 9:00 a. m. on Saturday. 星期六早上九点,
And it ends on Sunday afternoon. 星期日下午结束。
Maybe I'll go and watch. Who knows? 说不定我会去看。谁知道呢?
Maybe I'll want to give archery a try! 搞不好我也会想要尝试射箭呢!