
 April 7 4月7日

Read it! 读读看!
Jim got his son a rabbit. 吉姆为他的儿子买了一只兔子,
They chose it at a farm. 是他们在一座牧场上挑来的。
That is how Jim's family celebrates spring. 这就是吉姆一家人庆祝春天的好方式。
Jim likes the new rabbit, but taking care of it is a lot of work. 吉姆喜欢这只新的兔子,可是照顾牠很花工夫。
His son is learning how to be responsible for the bunny. 他的儿子正在学习如何负起照顾兔宝宝的责任。
Rob takes his family to Green's Farm. 罗柏带家人到青青牧场。
They pet the bunnies, and watch them hop around. 他们摸着兔宝宝,看着牠们四处蹦跳。
Conversation A 会话A
I might get a pet bunny, too. 我说不定也会买一只兔宝宝当宠物。
Where did you get Peter? 你是在哪里买彼得的?
We got him at a farm last weekend. 我们是上周末在一座牧场买下牠的。
The farm had a lot of bunnies for sale. 那座牧场出售许多兔宝宝。
How cute! You could watch them hop around. 真可爱!你可以看着牠们四处蹦跳。
Yes. My son watched them, and he chose Peter! 没错。我儿子看着牠们,结果挑上了彼得!
I want to visit that farm. 我也想去那座牧场走一趟,
Maybe I can get a rabbit, too. 说不定我也可以买一只兔子。
Conversation B 会话B
Hello, Jim! How was your weekend? 哈啰!吉姆,你周末过得如何呀?
Hi, Rob! It was good. 嗨,罗柏!我周末过得很好。
We went to a farm and bought my son a pet rabbit. 我们到了一座牧场去,还帮我儿子买了一只宠物兔子。
Fun! Rabbits make great pets! 真好玩!兔子会是很棒的宠物!
Did you get it at Green's Farm? 你是在青青牧场买的吗?
Yes, we did. How did you know? 是啊, 你怎么知道?
My family visits Green's Farm around Easter every year. 我们全家每年都会在复活节前后到青青牧场去,
We love to pet the bunnies. 我们很喜欢抚摸那些兔宝宝。
This was our first time. 这是我们第一次去,
It's a great way to celebrate spring! 真是庆祝春天的好方式!
We'll go back next year. 我们明年会再去。
Conversation C 会话C
Hi, Jim! Can I see the picture of the pet bunny? 嗨,吉姆!我可以看你宠物兔子的照片吗?
Abby told me about it. 雅碧告诉我了。
It's right here. 就在这里。
His name is Peter. 牠叫做彼得,
I just got him last weekend. 我上周末才买回家的。
Is he hard to take care of? 牠会不会很难照顾?
No, but taking care of him takes time. 不会,可是照顾牠需要花不少时间。
Baby animals are a lot of work. 动物宝宝都需要花很多工夫照顾。
They are. My son is taking care of him. 的确。我儿子负责照顾牠,
I'm helping him. 我在一旁帮助他。
He is learning to be responsible. 他正在学习负起责任。