【大家说英语】 第152期:寻宝游戏(在线收听

 Lesson 6 Activities 第六课 活动

April 13 4月13日
Scavenger Hunt! 寻宝游戏!
Read it! 读读看!
Happy Birthday, Abby! It's time to celebrate. 雅碧,生日快乐!这是个应该庆祝的时刻,
Abby plans a scavenger hunt after work. 雅碧打算在下班后举行一场寻宝游戏。
She writes a list of fun objects to find. 她列了一份清单,写下一些有趣的寻宝目标。
Two teams race to find the things on the list! 两支队伍互相比赛,看谁先找到清单上的物品!
The winners get a prize. 赢家可以获得奖品。
Alex and Rob are team captains. 亚力克斯和罗柏分别是两队的队长,
Both teams think they will win. 两队都认为自己会赢。
But can they find a dinosaur? 可是他们能够找到恐龙吗?
Conversation A 会话A
Happy Birthday, Abby! 雅碧,生日快乐!
Thanks, Susie! 苏希,谢谢妳!
How are you going to celebrate? 妳要怎么庆祝妳的生日?
I want to do something special with everyone after work. 我在下班后要和大家做一件特别的事情,
Let's have a scavenger hunt around town! 我们来一场城里的寻宝游戏吧!
Good idea. You can make a list of fun things to find. 好主意。妳可以列一份清单,写出有趣的寻宝目标。
We can have two teams. 我们可以有两支队伍。
And we can race to find the things! 我们可以比赛找东西!
Yes. The winners get a prize! 没错,获胜的队伍可以获得奖品!
Conversation B 会话B
What will be on the list? 清单上会有哪些东西?
Lots of things! 很多东西!
Special things, simple things, photos ... 特殊的东西、简单的东西、照片…
We have to find photos? 我们必须找照片?
No. But you might have to take photos of objects on the list. 不是,但是你们可能必须为清单上的物品拍照。
So each team needs a camera. 所以每个队伍都需要一台照相机。
Yes. 没错。
Hey! What did you just write on that list? 嘿!妳刚刚在清单上写了什么?
I can't tell you! That would be cheating. 我不能告诉妳!否则就会是作弊。
Conversation C 会话C
I'm so excited about this scavenger hunt! 我对这场寻宝游戏好兴奋喔!
My team will be the fastest! 我们这一队会是最快的!
All right, Rob and Alex! You are the team captains! 好了,罗柏和亚力克斯!你们是两队的队长!
Are your teams ready? 你们的队伍准备好了吗?
Ready! 准备好了!
Here is the list. 清单在这里。
You have one hour to find everything! 你们必须在一个小时内找到所有的东西!
Find something a hundred years old? 找一件有一百年历史的东西?
Take a picture with a dinosaur? 和恐龙合照?
Ready? 准备好了吗?
No! 还没!
Set? Go! 各就各位!出发!