【大家说英语】 第153期:寻宝游戏(2)(在线收听

 April 14 4月14日

Read it! 读读看!
What a fun scavenger hunt! 真是一场好玩的寻宝游戏!
Even though both teams almost ran out of time, they completed the list. 两支队伍虽然都差点来不及,但还是找到了清单上所有的东西。
Alex's team was faster, so Abby gives Alex a prize. 亚力克斯的队伍动作比较快,所以雅碧给了亚力克斯一份奖品。
He will share it with his teammates. 他将会和队友一起分享。
Rob's team shares some things they saw in town. 罗柏的队伍则是分享了他们在城里看到的一些东西,
They noticed many things that they often ignore. 他们注意到了许多他们平常忽略的东西。
What a clever way to celebrate birthdays! 以这种方法庆祝生日真是聪明!
Conversation A 会话A
That scavenger hunt was so exciting! 这场寻宝游戏真是刺激!
It was! I'm really glad everyone enjoyed it. 的确!我很高兴大家都乐在其中。
We did. And I knew my team would win! 我们确实乐在其中, 而且我早就知道我们这一队一定会赢!
You almost ran out of time. 你们差点来不及。
Once we found everything, we just ran straight back to the office. 我们一找到了所有的东西,就直接跑回办公室。
Both teams completed the list. 两队都找到了清单上的所有东西,
But your team was faster. 可是你的队伍动作比较快,
So here's your prize! 所以这是你们的奖品!
Thanks, Abby! I'll share it with my teammates. 雅碧,谢了!我会和我的队友们一起分享。
Happy Birthday! 生日快乐!
Conversation B 会话B
I still can't believe we found everything on the list! 我还是不敢相信我们找到了清单上的所有东西!
I didn't think we would! 我没想到我们做得到!
A kite, a feather ... 风筝、羽毛…
The park was a good place to look. 公园是个很适合找这些东西的地方,
And the convenience store! 还有便利商店!
I love this picture of us with the dinosaur. 我很喜欢这张我们和恐龙合照的照片。
I'm glad Alex's team won. 我很高兴亚力克斯的队伍赢了,
But we still had fun! 可是我们这队也玩得很开心!
That was a clever way to celebrate Abby's birthday. 用这种方法庆祝雅碧的生日真是聪明。
Conversation C 会话C
I learned a lot about our town today. 我今天学到了许多我们城里的事情。
I know what you mean. 我了解妳的意思。
I noticed many things today that I've never seen before. 我今天注意到了许多我以前没有看到的东西。
It was fun visiting places I often ignore. 走访我通常不会注意到的地方实在很好玩。
I want to visit that park again. 我想再去那座公园一次。
I want to eat at that dinosaur restaurant sometime! 我想找个时间去那家恐龙餐厅吃饭!
A scavenger hunt is a good way to learn more about your town! 寻宝游戏是对自己的城镇获得更多了解的好方法!
And to celebrate a birthday! 也是庆祝生日的好方法!