【大家说英语】 第156期:我要吃点心!(2)(在线收听

 April 17 4月17日

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Alex is eating healthier snacks now. 亚力克斯现在改吃比较健康的点心了。
He likes bananas and nuts. 他喜欢香蕉和坚果,
He also eats cucumber slices with hummus. 也吃小黄瓜片沾鹰嘴豆泥。
Susie eats too much candy. 苏希吃太多糖果了,
She will try healthier snacks, too. 她也要尝试比较健康的点心。
Abby likes cupcakes. 雅碧喜欢杯子蛋糕,
Alex tells her about another snack. 亚力克斯告诉她另一种零食,
He likes a pear with honey and pecans on it. 他喜欢吃西洋梨搭配蜂蜜再撒上一些核桃在上面。
Abby still likes cupcakes better. 雅碧还是比较喜欢杯子蛋糕。
Conversation A 会话A
I'm getting hungry, Alex. 我饿了,亚力克斯,
Let's get a snack. 我们去买些点心吃吧。
OK. What do you want? 好,你要吃什么?
I'll get a Coke and a doughnut at the convenience store. 我到便利商店去买一罐可乐和一个甜甜圈。
That's not a healthy snack. 那样的零食不健康。
So? 那又怎么样?
So healthy snacks are better for you. Here. 健康的点心对你比较好。
Have a banana and some nuts. 来,吃根香蕉和坚果吧。
Thank you. Bananas and nuts are healthier. 谢谢, 香蕉和坚果是比较健康。
Yes. And they taste pretty good, too! 是啊,而且吃起来味道也不错!
Conversation B 会话B
What are you eating, Alex? 亚力克斯,你在吃什么?
I'm eating a snack. 我在吃点心,
It's cucumber slices and hummus. 这是小黄瓜片配鹰嘴豆泥。
Does it taste good? 好吃吗?
Sure! Try a slice. 当然好吃!妳吃一片看看。
It's pretty good. 味道不错呢。
It's healthy, too. 而且很健康,
I'm trying to eat better snacks. 我现在试着吃比较健康的点心。
I should, too. 我也应该这么做,
I've eaten too much candy lately. 我最近吃太多糖果了。
So bring fruit or popcorn for a snack. 那就带水果或爆米花来当点心吧。
Good idea. I can do that. 好主意, 我可以这么做。
Conversation C 会话C
Hi, Alex. Do you want a cupcake? 嗨,亚力克斯,你要吃杯子蛋糕吗?
No, thanks. I'm going to have a pear with a little honey and some pecans on it. 不用了,谢谢。我要吃颗梨,在上面加点蜂蜜和核桃。
Why? Are you feeling OK? 为什么?你还好吗?
I'm feeling fine! 我很好!
But I'm trying to eat healthier snacks. 我只是想要吃比较健康的点心而已。
I see. Do your healthy snacks taste good? 原来如此。你的健康点心好吃吗?
Yes, they do. 很好吃。
I'm glad. 我很高兴。
But cupcakes taste better. I'm sure! 不过我相信,杯子蛋糕的味道一定更棒!