【大家说英语 第159期:打乒乓球(在线收听

 Lesson 10 Sports 第十课 运动

April 22 4月22日
Pingpong! 打乒乓球!
Read it! 读读看!
Alex loves table tennis. He misses playing. 亚力克斯热爱打桌球, 他很怀念打球。
Susie can play with him. 苏希可以和他一起打,
He can teach her. 他可以教她。
They need paddles, balls, a net and a table. 他们需要球拍、球、网子和乒乓球桌。
They can buy everything except the table. 除了球桌以外,其他东西他们都可以买,
They can use the pingpong table at Alex's apartment building. 他们可以使用亚力克斯住的公寓大楼里的乒乓球桌。
Maybe they can get a group together. 说不定他们可以组一个团,
Then everyone can play. 这样大家就都可以打球。
Conversation A 会话A
Hi, Susie. Do you play table tennis? 嗨,苏希,妳会打桌球吗?
Table tennis? No, Alex, I don't. 桌球?不会耶,亚力克斯,我不会。
Why do you ask? 你为什么这么问?
Well, I love table tennis. 这个嘛,我很爱打桌球,
I miss playing. 我很怀念打球。
Then teach me to play. 那就教我打吧,
I can play with you. It might be fun. 我可以和你一起打, 说不定会很好玩。
Sure! But we need some equipment. 好啊!可是我们需要一些用具。
Then let's go shopping. 那我们就去采购吧,
We can go to Sal's Sports. 我们可以去萨尔运动用品店。
Conversation B 会话B
This is a nice store! 这间店真不错!
They sell many different things. 他们卖许多不同的东西。
Oh, look. Here are the rackets! 哦, 看,球拍在这里!
In table tennis, they are called paddles. 桌球的球拍叫做paddle。
Oh. What else do we need? 喔,我们还需要什么?
We need some balls, a net and a table. 我们需要一些球,一张网子和一张球桌。
We can buy everything except a table. 我们除了球桌什么都可以买。
Don't worry. We can use the pingpong table at my apartment building. 别担心, 我们可以使用我住的公寓大楼里的乒乓球桌。
Conversation C 会话C
Abby, do you play table tennis? 雅碧,妳会打桌球吗?
No. Do you? 不会,妳呢?
I'm learning. Alex is teaching me. 我正在学, 亚力克斯在教我。
Pingpong is really fun. 乒乓球真的很好玩。
Really? Table tennis looks hard. 真的吗?桌球看起来很难耶。
Alex can teach you, too. 亚力克斯也可以教妳,
He makes it fun. 他把乒乓球运动变得很好玩。
Maybe we can get a group together. Then we can all play. 说不定我们可以组一个团, 这样我们就全部都可以打球。
That's a great idea. 这主意很棒。
Who is the best player? I wonder. 不晓得谁最厉害?