【大家说英语】 第163期:考驾照(2)(在线收听

 April 28 4月28日

Read it! 读读看!
Congratulations, Taylor! 泰乐,恭喜!
She passed both of her driver's license exams. 她通过了两项驾照考试。
They were a challenge, but she was prepared! 考试虽然颇具挑战性,但她做了充分的准备!
Abby failed the driving test once, but she learned her lesson. 雅碧有一次参加驾驶考试没考过,但她学到了教训。
When driving, remember to check your speed. 开车的时候,记得要注意速度,
Don't go over the limit! 不要超过速限了!
Traffic laws are important for everyone's safety. 交通法规对所有人的安全很重要。
Drivers need to focus! 驾驶人必须要专心!
Conversation A 会话A
You did it! Congratulations! 妳通过了!恭喜妳!
The driving test was hard, but I was prepared. 路考很难,可是我做好了准备。
I'm glad. 我很高兴。
The written exam was hard, too. 笔试也很难,
I passed, but I had to study a lot! 虽然通过了,可是我事前看了很多书!
Now you can drive anywhere you want. 现在妳想去哪里,都可以开车去了。
That will be so convenient! 这样好方便!
Now you just need to buy the right car. 现在,妳只需要买合适的车子就行了。
I know. Thanks for your help today, Rob! 是啊。罗柏,谢谢你今天的帮忙!
Anytime! 不客气!
Conversation B 会话B
Hey, Rob! How did it go at the DMV? 嘿,罗柏!你们在监理处怎么样?
Great! Taylor had no problem getting her license. 很棒!泰乐顺利拿到了驾照,
She even drove us home! 我们回家甚至还是由她开车呢!
So she wasn't nervous about the tests? 所以她对参加考试一点都不紧张?
Not at all. They were a piece of cake for her! 一点也不, 考试对她来说是轻而易举!
That's good news! Sometimes the tests can be a real challenge for people. 这真是好消息!驾驶考试对有些人可以是很大的挑战。
Right. Some people fail the driving test. 没错,有些人通不过驾驶考试。
My brother failed two times! 我弟弟就有两次没考过!
Conversation C 会话C
How was the driving test, Taylor? 泰乐,驾驶考试考得如何呀?
Not bad. But it was hard to remember and follow all the traffic laws. 还不错。可是要记住并且遵守所有的交通法规实在不容易。
I know. I failed the test once. 我知道。我有一次路考没过。
I was so busy watching the road that I forgot to check my speed. 我当时忙着看路,以致忘了注意速度,
I went over the limit. 结果超速了。
Drivers need to focus. 驾驶人必须专心,
Traffic laws are important for everyone's safety. 交通法规对所有人的安全都很重要。
Exactly. Now that I have my license, I drive very carefully. 的确。现在因为有了驾照,我开车都很小心。