【大家说英语】 第164期:满园香花迎春天(在线收听

 Lesson 13 Home 第十三课 居家

April 29 4月29日
A Fresh Garden for Spring! 满园香花迎春天!
Read it! 读读看!
Spring is here! Abby is happy. 春天来了!雅碧很开心,
She loves fresh flowers. 她很喜欢鲜花,
Maybe she can plant a garden. 说不定她可以在花园里种上一些花。
She can go to the nursery after work. 她可以下班后到苗圃去,
The nursery sells flowers. They also sell seeds and soil. 苗圃卖花,也卖种子和土壤。
What is your favorite flower? 你最喜欢什么花?
The yellow lily is Rob's favorite flower. 黄百合是罗柏最喜欢的花,
Purple tulips are very pretty, too! 紫郁金香,也非常漂亮!
Conversation A 会话A
Hi, Abby. 嗨,雅碧。
Susie! Guess what? 苏希!告诉妳一个好消息!
What? 什么消息?
Spring is here! I'm so excited. 春天到了!我好兴奋喔。
Don't you like winter? 妳不是喜欢冬天吗?
Yes. I like winter and spring. 喜欢呀,冬天和春天我都喜欢。
What do you like about spring? 妳喜欢春天的什么?
I love fresh flowers. 我很爱鲜花,
They look pretty. They smell nice, too. 鲜花看起来很漂亮, 闻起来也很香。
Maybe you can plant a garden. 说不定妳可以在花园里种一些花。
Conversation B 会话B
I found this paper on the floor. Is it yours? 我在地上发现了这张纸, 是妳的吗?
Oh, yes! Thank you. 是!谢谢妳。
It's my list of flowers. 这是我的花朵清单。
Why do you have a list of flowers? 妳为什么会有花朵清单?
I want to plant a small garden. 我想弄个小花园。
That's cool! 真酷!
I can go to the nursery after work. 我可以下班后到苗圃去,
I can buy some seeds and soil. 买些种子和土壤。
Conversation C 会话C
Do you like flowers, Rob? 罗柏,你喜欢花吗?
Sure. Flowers are nice. 当然啦,花很美。
What's your favorite kind of flower? 你最喜欢哪一种花?
I like yellow lilies. They're also my mom's favorite flower. 我喜欢黄百合, 那也是我妈最喜欢的花。
Lilies are beautiful. 百合花很美。
What about you? What is your favorite flower? 妳呢?妳最喜欢什么花?
I like tulips. 我喜欢郁金香。
Tulips are really nice, too. 郁金香也很美,
The purple ones are the best. 紫色的郁金香尤其漂亮。
Yes, they're very pretty. 没错,紫郁金香非常美丽。