【大家说英语】 第170期:哪里可以借自行车(2)(在线收听

 May 12 5月12日

Read it! 读读看!
Taylor sees an ad for a bike race. 泰乐看见一则自行车比赛的广告,
The race will help a charity. 那场比赛将会帮助一个慈善团体。
Alex and Taylor want to sign up. 亚力克斯和泰乐想要报名参加,
The others might be interested, too. 其他人可能也会有兴趣。
Some people can use their own bikes. 有些人可以骑自己的车,
Others can use the public bikes. 有些人可以骑公共自行车,
Everyone should use a helmet! 但每个人都应该戴上安全帽!
Abby and Rob are sore but they had fun. 雅碧和罗柏骑得腿很酸,可是他们玩得很开心,
Maybe next time they can go hiking or go skydiving! 说不定下次他们可以去爬山或者高空跳伞!
Conversation A 会话A
Alex! You like to ride a bike, right? 亚力克斯!你喜欢骑自行车,对不对?
Yes, Taylor, I do. Why do you ask? 是啊,泰乐, 妳为什么这么问?
Look at this. It's an ad for a bike race. 你看这个。这是一场自行车比赛的广告,
The race will make money for charity. 这是一场为慈善募款的比赛。
Oh, cool! I want to sign up! 哦,酷毙了!我要报名!
Me, too. Let's sign up today. 我也要, 我们今天就去报名吧。
Rob, Susie and Abby might be interested, too. 罗柏、苏希和雅碧也可能会有兴趣。
Let's ask them! We can enjoy a nice bike ride and help others. 我们去问他们吧!我们可以享受骑车的乐趣,还可以帮助别人。
Conversation B 会话B
We live in a great city! 我们居住在一座很棒的城市里!
These public bikes are really convenient. 这些公共自行车实在很方便。
I agree! I don't have to buy a bike. 我同意!我不必买自行车,
I can just borrow one for the race. 可以直接借一辆车参加比赛。
Yeah. Then we can all do the race together. 是啊,这样我们就可以全部一起参加比赛了。
Some people can use their own bikes. 有些人可以骑自己的车。
And some people can use the public bikes. 有些人可以骑公共自行车。
But everyone should use a helmet. 可是每个人都应该戴上安全帽。
Conversation C 会话C
Ow. My legs are sore. 噢,我的腿好酸喔。
Me, too. The race was long but everyone had fun. 我也是。那场比赛的距离很长,可是大家都玩得很开心。
It was a great group activity. 那是一场很棒的团体活动。
We should plan more activities like that. 我们应该规划更多像那样的活动。
That would be great! I like doing activities together. 那样一定很棒!我喜欢和别人一起从事活动。
Maybe we can run a race together or hike together. 也许我们可以一起参加赛跑或者爬山。
Oh! Maybe we can go skydiving together! 哦!也许我们可以一起去高空跳伞!
Or maybe not. Maybe we can just bike together again! 也许不要。或许我们可以再一起骑自行车就好了!