【大家说英语】 第171期:烤肉时间!(在线收听

 Lesson 6 News 第六课 实时新闻

May 13 5月13日
Barbecue Time! 烤肉时间!
The weather is getting warmer. 天气愈来愈暖和了,
Many people like to barbecue in warm weather. 许多人都喜欢在温暖的天气出外烤肉。
Some people have a barbecue outside their house. 有些人会在屋外烤肉,
They cook many things on it. 他们在烤肉架上烤各种东西。
Most people cook hamburgers or steaks. 大多数人都烤汉堡肉或牛排,
But other people cook pork, fish and chicken. 但也有人烤猪肉、鱼和鸡肉。
People cook vegetables, too. 也有人会烤蔬菜,
Corn and potatoes are two popular choices. 玉米和马铃薯是两种热门选择。
People barbecue different ways. 大家烤肉的方式都不一样。
Some people rub spices on the meat before they cook it. 有些人在烤肉之前会先用香料把肉腌过,
Then they cook it slowly and put sauce on it. 然后小火慢烤,再一面涂上酱汁。
The sauce can be hot or sweet or both. 酱汁可以是辣的或是甜的,也可以是又甜又辣。
Some people have barbecue parties. 有些人会举办烤肉派对。
These parties are often outside. 这种派对通常在户外举行,
Everyone enjoys the delicious food. 大家一起享用美味的食物。
The most popular times for barbecues are holidays. 最热门的烤肉时段就是在放假日。
Barbecuing is a popular hobby. 烤肉是一种相当普遍的嗜好,
People have barbecue contests. 许多人都会举办烤肉比赛。
In the U.S., there are barbecue contests in all 50 states! 美国的五十个州全都有烤肉比赛!
The most famous ones are in Memphis, Tennessee, and Kansas City, Missouri. 其中以举行于田纳西州曼菲斯市与密苏里州堪萨斯市的比赛最为著名,
Teams from around the world join each contest. 每一场比赛都有来自世界各地的队伍参加。
Everyone wants to win the prize money and have the best barbecue! 所有人都想赢得奖金,并且享受最佳的烤肉体验!