【大家说英语】 第182期:去露营(在线收听

 Lesson 1 Activities 第一课 活动

June 1 6月1日
Let's Go Camping! 露营去!
Read it! 读读看!
Abby is daydreaming about the outdoors. 雅碧正在梦想着要去户外活动。
The weather and temperature are nice and warm. 天气很好,气温也很温暖。
Nice weather is great for outdoor activities. 良好的天气最适合户外活动。
Abby's favorite outdoor activity is camping. 雅碧最喜欢的户外活动是露营。
Maybe Abby and Susie can plan a camping trip! 说不定雅碧和苏希可以规划一场露营之旅!
They can invite Taylor, too. 她们也可以邀请泰乐同行。
What do they need? 她们需要什么呢?
They need a tent, sleeping bags, flashlights and food! 她们需要一顶帐篷、睡袋、手电筒和食物!
Conversation A 会话A
Hi, Abby. What are you doing? 嗨,雅碧,妳在做什么?
Oh, hi, Susie. I'm daydreaming. 哦,嗨,苏希,我在做白日梦。
What are you daydreaming about? 妳在做什么白日梦呀?
The outdoors! I want to be outside! 我在梦想着去户外呀!我想到外面去!
The weather outside is very nice. 今天外面的天气很好。
I love June weather. The temperature is nice and warm. 我爱六月的天气, 气温舒适又温暖。
You're right. Nice weather is great for outdoor activities. 妳说得对, 好天气最适合户外活动了。
Conversation B 会话B
What is your favorite outdoor activity, Susie? 苏希,妳最喜欢的户外活动是什么?
My favorite activity is biking. 我最喜欢的活动是骑自行车,
But I also like hiking. What about you? 可是我也喜欢健行爬山。妳呢?
I like camping. It's a great group activity. 我喜欢露营, 这是一种很棒的团体活动。
Do you camp often? 妳常露营吗?
Not now. But I camped a lot as a child. 现在没有, 可是我小时候经常露营。
Camping sounds like fun. Let's plan a trip. 露营听起来很好玩。我们来规划一场旅行吧,
We can invite Taylor, too. 我们也可以邀请泰乐一起去。
Sure! 好啊!
Conversation C 会话C
We have a tent and sleeping bags. 我们有一顶帐篷和几个睡袋,
Do we need anything else? 还需要其他东西吗?
Yes. We need some flashlights. 需要。我们需要几个手电筒。
OK. I can get some. 好,我可以弄到一些手电筒。
What about food? 吃的呢?
We can buy some food at the store. 我们可以去店里买些食物。
Yes. Let's make a list now. 好,我们来列一份清单吧,
Then we can go to the store later. 这样我们晚一点就可以到商店买。
OK! Let's not forget anything. 好!可不要忘了任何东西。