【大家说英语】 第184期:跟着线索走(在线收听

 Lesson 2 Mystery 第二课 悬疑事件

June 3 6月3日
Follow the Clues, Mr. E! 跟着线索走!
I walked to my desk. Something was wrong. 我走到我的办公桌前, 有点不对劲,
An important folder was missing. 一个重要的活页夹不见了。
My computer was in a different place. 我的计算机没有在原本的地方,
My pen was not in its cup. 我的笔也不在笔筒内,
It was next to a piece of paper with a very strange message on it. 而是放在一张纸旁边,纸上写着一道很奇怪的讯息。
My partner Mr. F wrote the note. 这张便条是我的伙伴F先生写的,
He loved playing jokes on me. 他最喜欢对我恶作剧了。
It said, "Are you missing something, Mr. E? 纸上写着:E先生,你有什么东西不见了吗?
Then follow the clues." 那就跟着线索搜寻吧。
The note also said, "Look at your computer to find the next clue." 便条纸上还写着:下一条线索请见你的计算机。
Finding the folder shouldn't be too hard. 要找到活页夹应该不难。
I searched for "clue" on my computer. 我在我的计算机上搜寻了线索,
There was only one result with that name. 只出现一个搜寻结果。
That was too easy, Mr. F, I thought. 我心想,F先生,这太简单了吧。
I opened the clue. 我打开那个档案,
Another message from Mr. F was in it: "Not here, Mr. E. Guess again." 里面又是F先生提供的一道讯息:不在这里,E先生, 再猜猜看。
Maybe the folder had a different name? 也许那个活页夹有另一个名称?
Then I remembered something. 接着,我想起了一件事,
My computer was in a different place. 我的计算机不在原本的地方。
Why did Mr. F move it? F先生为什么要移动我的计算机?
Then I understood. 于是我明白了。
"The folder isn't in my computer. 活页夹不在我的计算机里面,
It's under my computer!" I said. 是在我的计算机下面!我说。
I picked up my computer and found the folder. 拿起计算机,我找到了活页夹。
Mr. F taped it to the bottom. F先生把活页夹黏在计算机底部。
Well done, Mr. F, I thought. 做得好,F先生,我心想,
But now it's my turn. 不过接下来换我了。