【大家说英语】 第186期:在邮局(2)(在线收听

 June 5 6月5日

Read it! 读读看!
Alex's parents sent him a package! 亚力克斯的父母寄了一个包裹给他!
A mail carrier delivered it to his house. 一位邮差把包裹送到了他的住处,
But Alex wasn't there! 可是亚力克斯不在家!
The mail carrier didn't leave it in the mailbox. 邮差并没有把包裹留在信箱里,
Alex can go to the post office to pick it up. 亚力克斯可以到邮局去把包裹领回来。
Rob often gets letters from fans. 罗柏经常收到影迷寄来的信,
Maybe he'll receive some cards and presents, too! 说不定他也会收到一些卡片和礼物!
Conversation A 会话A
Hi, Alex! What's that in your hand? 嗨,亚力克斯!你手里拿的是什么?
Hi, Taylor. There was a note on my apartment door. 嗨,泰乐。我的公寓门上贴了一张纸,
It's from the post office. 是邮局的通知。
The post office? What does it say? 邮局?通知内容写什么?
I have a package! 我有一个包裹!
The mail carrier came to my house. But I wasn't home. 邮差送到了我的住处, 可是我不在家。
Go to the post office! You can pick up your package there. 去邮局吧!你可以到那里领回你的包裹。
Conversation B 会话B
Hi, Taylor! Is Alex around? 嗨,泰乐!亚力克斯在吗?
No. He went to the post office. 不在,他去邮局了,
He received a package. 他收到了一个包裹。
Why didn't the mail carrier deliver it to his house? 邮差为什么不送到他家去?
The package was delivered to his house. But Alex wasn't home. 包裹本来送到了他家, 可是亚力克斯不在家。
The mail carrier left a note on his door. 邮差在他的门上贴了一张通知。
The mail carrier didn't leave the package in his mailbox? 那个邮差没有把包裹放在他的信箱里?
No. It must be a big box! 没有,那个包裹一定是个大箱子!
Conversation C 会话C
Woah! 哇!
You received a big package! 你收到了一个好大的包裹!
Yeah, it's from my parents! 是啊,是我爸妈寄的!
Did the package cost a lot to mail? 寄这个包裹要花很多钱吗?
It did. So they don't send me things very often. 没错, 所以他们不会常常寄东西给我。
Oh! I should check my mailbox! 喔!我该检查我的信箱!
Are you waiting for something special? 你在等什么特别的东西吗?
Yes! I often get letters from fans. 是!我经常会收到影迷寄来的信,
Maybe I'll get some cards and presents, too! 说不定我也会收到一些卡片和礼物!