【大家说英语】 第187期:夏日艳阳(在线收听

 Lesson 4 Health 第四课 健康

June 8 6月8日
Summer Sun 夏日艳阳
Read it! 读读看!
Jack doesn't wear sunscreen. It's sticky. 杰克不涂防晒乳, 因为防晒乳黏腻腻的。
So he has a sunburn. 于是,他晒伤了。
The sunburn doesn't hurt. But the sun damages his skin. 晒伤不痛, 可是阳光伤害了他的皮肤。
Jack does wear a hat and sunglasses. 杰克有戴帽子和太阳眼镜。
He doesn't wear long-sleeved shirts. 他不穿长袖衬衫,
And he doesn't protect his arms and legs from the sun. 也不为自己的手臂和双腿遮阳。
Jack needs to wear sunscreen! 杰克需要涂防晒乳!
Conversation A 会话A
Hi, Rob. Can we record now? 嗨,罗柏,我们现在可以录像了吗?
Sure, Jack. I'm ready. 可以呀,杰克。我准备好了。
Wait. Why is your face so red? 等一下,你的脸为什么这么红?
I was outside in the sun yesterday. 我昨天在户外晒太阳。
Were you outside a long time? 你在户外的时间很长吗?
Yes. I was outside all afternoon. 很长,我整个下午都在户外。
So now you have a sunburn. 所以你晒伤了。
Yes. But it doesn't hurt. 对,可是不会痛。
Sunburns aren't good for your skin. 晒伤对你的皮肤不好。
Conversation B 会话B
Don't you wear sunscreen? 你没有涂防晒乳吗?
No. I don't need it. 没有,我不需要。
Everyone needs sunscreen. 每个人都需要防晒乳。
I don't. I don't worry about sunburns. 我不需要。我不怕晒伤,
My skin just gets red. That's OK with me. 我的皮肤只是会发红而已, 我觉得没关系。
But it's not OK, Jack. 可是这样不行,杰克,
Too much sun damages your skin. 晒太多太阳会伤害你的皮肤。
My skin is fine. 我的皮肤没问题。
It won't be fine in 30 years! 再过三十年可就不会是这样了!
Conversation C 会话C
But I don't like sunscreen. It's sticky! 可是我不喜欢防晒乳, 防晒乳黏腻腻的!
It protects your skin. 防晒乳会保护你的皮肤。
I know. Well, I do wear a hat and sunglasses in the sun. 我知道。不过,我在太阳下倒是会戴帽子和太阳眼镜。
Good. Do you protect your arms and legs? 很好。你会保护你的手臂和双腿吗?
No. I don't wear long-sleeved shirts. 不会。我不穿长袖衬衫,
I don't wear long pants, either. 也不穿长裤。
In summer, it's too hot! 夏天穿这些衣服太热了!
Then wear sunscreen! 那就涂防晒乳呀!
OK, OK! 好,好!