【大家说英语】 第192期:欢庆端午节(在线收听

 Lesson 8 News 第八课 实时新闻

June 17 6月17日
Dragon Boat Festival 欢庆端午节
This year, June 20 is Dragon Boat Festival. 今年,六月二十日是端午节。
On Dragon Boat Festival, people remember Qu Yuan (屈原). 我们在端午节纪念屈原。
He was a famous poet. 他是一位著名的诗人,
He lived more than 2000 years ago. 活在两千多年前。
He was upset with dishonest officials. 因是他对当时贪腐的官员深感恼怒,
So he jumped in a river and died. 所以投江自杀。
People were very sad. 百姓非常难过,
So they remember him on this day each year. 因此每年都在这一天纪念他。
Many cities celebrate Dragon Boat Festival with dragon boat races. 许多城市都会举办龙舟赛庆祝端午节,
The front and back of each boat looks like a dragon. 龙舟的船首和船尾造型像龙。
Many teams compete in each race. 每一场比赛都有许多队伍参加,
Each team rows a boat. 每支队伍划一艘船。
One person on each team sits in the front of the boat. 每支队伍都有一个人坐在船首,
He or she hits a drum. 负责打鼓,
This helps the team row together. 这样有助于团队成员一齐划桨。
Dragon boat races are popular. 龙舟赛广受大众喜爱。
People also eat zongzi (粽子) on Dragon Boat Festival. 大家也会在端午节吃粽子,
These are sticky rice dumplings. 这是用糯米做成的包馅食品,
They are wrapped in leaves. 包在叶子里面。
They can be sweet or salty. 粽子可以是甜的,也可以是咸的。
Some have meat in them. 有些粽子的内馅包肉,
Others have egg or bean paste inside. 有些粽子的内馅则是蛋或者豆沙馅,
They are all delicious. 每一种粽子都很好吃。
Some people make them at home. 有些人会在家包粽子,
Other people buy them at the market. 有些人则到市场上买,
But everyone enjoys them. 不过大家都喜欢吃粽子。