英语听力 暮光之城•暮色 第179期:第十一章 复杂(8)(在线收听

 That night Edward starred in my dreams, as usual. 和往常一样,这天晚上爱德华在我的梦里担纲主演。

However, the climate of my unconsciousness had changed. 但是,我潜意识里的气候改变了,
It thrilled with the same electricity that had charged the afternoon, and I tossed and turned restlessly, waking often. 那里颤栗着闪过掌控了整个下午的电流,而我不得安宁地辗转反侧,夜里醒来了很多次。
It was only in the early hours of the morning that I finally sank into an exhausted, dreamless sleep. 直到凌晨的那几个小时我才最终精疲力竭地陷入了无梦的睡眠。
When I woke I was still tired, but edgy as well. 当我醒来的时候,我依然很疲倦,但也很心急。
I pulled on my brown turtleneck and the inescapable jeans, sighing as I daydreamed of spaghetti straps and shorts. 我穿上一件棕色的高领毛衣,还有那条不可避免的牛仔裤。当我白日做梦地幻想着低胸细肩带上衣和热裤时,我不由得叹了口气。
Breakfast was the usual, quiet event I expected. 早餐和往常一样,平静祥和得如我所愿。
Charlie fried eggs for himself; I had my bowl of cereal. 查理给自己煎了份鸡蛋,我吃了一碗麦片粥。
I wondered if he had forgotten about this Saturday. 我怀疑他是否已经忘了这周六的事。
He answered my unspoken question as he stood up to take his plate to the sink. 当他站起来,把盘子拿去水池的时候,他回答了我没说出口的疑问。
"About this Saturday..." he began, walking across the kitchen and turning on the faucet. “关于这周六……”他开口了,一边说着一边穿过厨房,打开水龙头。
I cringed. "Yes, Dad?" 我讨好地说:“怎么了,爸爸?”
"Are you still set on going to Seattle?" he asked. “你还是要去西雅图吗?”他问道。
"That was the plan." I grimaced, wishing he hadn't brought it up so I wouldn't have to compose careful half-truths. “计划是这样。”我扮了个鬼脸,希望他不要再提起这个话题,这样我就不必小心地编排一些半真半假的话。
He squeezed some dish soap onto his plate and swirled it around with the brush. 他挤了一些洗洁精到盘子上,用刷子来回地擦洗着。
"And you're sure you can't make it back in time for the dance?" “你确定不会在舞会开始前回来吗?”
"I'm not going to the dance, Dad." I glared. “我不打算去舞会,爸爸。”我干瞪着眼。
"Didn't anyone ask you?" he asked, trying to hide his concern by focusing on rinsing the plate. “难道没有人邀请你吗?”他问道,试图隐藏起自己的关心,专心擦洗盘子。
I sidestepped the minefield. "It's a girl's choice." 我避开了这个雷区。“这是一次女生择伴舞会。”
"Oh." He frowned as he dried his plate. “哦。”他一边皱起眉,一边把盘子擦干。