英语听力 暮光之城•暮色 第189期:第十二章 平衡(1)(在线收听

 12. BALANCING 第十二章 平衡

"Billy!" Charlie called as soon as he got out of the car. “比利!”查理一下车就喊道。
I turned toward the house, beckoning to Jacob as I ducked under the porch. 我转身向屋子走去,躲到门廊底下的时候,我才向雅克布招手示意。
I heard Charlie greeting them loudly behind me. 我听到查理在我身后招呼着他们。
"I'm going to pretend I didn't see you behind the wheel, Jake," he said disapprovingly. “我会假装没有看到你坐在方向盘后的,杰克。”他不以为然地说道。
"We get permits early on the rez," Jacob said while I unlocked the door and flicked on the porch light. “在保留区我们会更早地拿到驾照。”雅克布说道。这时我打开门,在门廊里轻拂着头发。
"Sure you do," Charlie laughed. “你当然会。”查理大笑着说。
"I have to get around somehow." “无论如何我都得到处转转。”
I recognized Billy's resonant voice easily, despite the years. 不管过了多少年,我依然能轻而易举地认出比利洪亮的声音。
The sound of it made me feel suddenly younger, a child. 这声音让我忽然觉得自己小了几岁,还是个孩子。
I went inside, leaving the door open behind me and turning on lights before I hung up my jacket. 我走进屋,把门敞开着,在挂起我的夹克以前先把灯打开。
Then I stood in the door, watching anxiously as Charlie and Jacob helped Billy out of the car and into his wheelchair. 然后我站在门里,焦急地看着查理和雅克布帮助比利从车里出来,坐到轮椅上。
I backed out of the way as the three of them hurried in, shaking off the rain. 当他们三个冲进来,甩着身上的雨水时,我让开了路。
"This is a surprise," Charlie was saying. “这实在是个惊喜。”查理说着。
"It's been too long," Billy answered. "I hope it's not a bad time." “已经过了很久了。”比利回答道。“我希望那段时间不算太糟糕。”
His dark eyes flashed up to me again, their expression unreadable. 他黑色的眼睛又一次掠过我,眼里的神情让人难以读懂。
"No, it's great. I hope you can stay for the game." “不,那好极了。我希望你能留下来看比赛。”
Jacob grinned. "I think that's the plan—our TV broke last week." 雅克布咧嘴一笑。“我想计划是这样的——我们的电视机上个礼拜坏掉了。”
Billy made a face at his son. 比利对自己的儿子作了个鬼脸。
"And, of course, Jacob was anxious to see Bella again," he added. “还有,当然,雅克布也渴望着再次见到贝拉。”他补充道。
Jacob scowled and ducked his head while I fought back a surge of remorse. 雅克布皱起眉,迅速低下了头。我按捺住了一阵汹涌而至的自责。
Maybe I'd been too convincing on the beach. 也许在沙滩上我表现得太令人信服了。