英语听力 暮光之城•暮色 第195期:第十二章 平衡(7)(在线收听

 He frowned at me impatiently. 他不耐烦地冲我皱起了眉:

"I'm not going to make you walk home. We'll go get your truck and leave it here for you." “我没打算让你走回家。我们会去取你的卡车然后把它给你留在这里。”
"I don't have my key with me," I sighed. “我没带钥匙。”我叹了口气。
"I really don't mind walking." “我真的不介意走回去。”
What I minded was losing my time with him. 我真正介意的是错失了和他待在一起的时光。
He shook his head. 他摇了摇头。
"Your truck will be here, and the key will be in the ignition—unless you're afraid someone might steal it." “你的卡车会在这里的,而钥匙会在点火器里——除非你害怕有人会把它偷走。”
He laughed at the thought. 一想到这里他就大笑起来。
"All right," I agreed, pursing my lips. “好吧。”我同意了,撅起了嘴。
I was pretty sure my key was in the pocket of a pair of jeans I wore Wednesday, under a pile of clothes in the laundry room. 我非常肯定我的钥匙在我星期三穿的牛仔裤的口袋里,在洗衣间的一堆衣服下面。
Even if he broke into my house, or whatever he was planning, he'd never find it. 即使他能闯进我家里,或者以他计划的任何方式进去,他也永远找不到它。
He seemed to feel the challenge in my consent. He smirked, overconfident. 他似乎感觉到了我的同意里的挑衅。他自负地坏笑起来。
"So where are you going?" I asked as casually as I could manage. “那么,你要去哪里?”我用自己所能控制的最若无其事的语气问道。
"Hunting," he answered grimly. “狩猎。”他冷酷地回答道。
"If I'm going to be alone with you tomorrow, I'm going to take whatever precautions I can." “如果明天我打算和你单独相处,我就得做好万全的预防措施。”
His face grew morose... and pleading. 他的表情变得乖僻起来……还有恳求。
"You can always cancel, you know." “你随时都可以取消计划,你知道的。”
I looked down, afraid of the persuasive power of his eyes. 我低下头,害怕着他那双富有说服力的眼睛。
I refused to be convinced to fear him, no matter how real the danger might be. 我拒绝承认自己是在害怕他,不管那种危险有多么的真切。
It doesn't matter, I repeated in my head. 这无关紧要。我在脑海里重复着。
"No," I whispered, glancing back at his face. "I can't." “不,”我耳语着,抬起头看着他的脸。“我不能。”
"Perhaps you're right," he murmured bleakly. “也许你是对的。”他低声说着,语气苍凉。
His eyes seemed to darken in color as I watched. 当我看过去的时候,他眼睛的颜色似乎变黑了。