英语听力 暮光之城•暮色 第204期:第十二章 平衡(16)(在线收听

 It was surprisingly difficult to concentrate on the road while feeling his gaze on my face. 当我感觉他在注视着我的脸的时候,要把注意力集中在路况上是一件困难得惊人的事。

I compensated by driving more carefully than usual through the still-sleeping town. 我只得比平常还要小心地驾驶,穿过这座仍在沉睡的城镇。
"Were you planning to make it out of Forks before nightfall?" “你打算在傍晚以前把车开出福克斯吗?”
"This truck is old enough to be your car's grandfather—have some respect," I retorted. “这车老得能当你那辆车的爷爷了——对它尊重一点。”我回嘴道。
We were soon out of the town limits, despite his negativity. 与他消极的估计相反,我们很快便开出了小镇的范围。
Thick underbrush and green-swathed trunks replaced the lawns and houses. 浓密的灌木丛和覆满藤蔓的树干取代了草坪和房屋。
"Turn right on the one-ten," he instructed just as I was about to ask. I obeyed silently. “右转开上110国道。”我正要开口问,他指点道。我沉默地服从了。
"Now we drive until the pavement ends." “现在一直开到公路尽头。”
I could hear a smile in his voice, but I was too afraid of driving off the road and proving him right to look over and be sure. 我能听到他声音里的笑意,但我害怕开出公路,刚好证明他的担心是对的,所以没敢看过去确认一下。
"And what's there, at the pavement's end?" I wondered. “那里有什么,在公路的尽头?”我想知道。
"A trail." “一条小路。”
"We're hiking?" Thank goodness I'd worn tennis shoes. “我们要走过去?”谢天谢地,我穿的是网球鞋。
"Is that a problem?" He sounded as if he'd expected as much. “那是个问题吗?”他听起来像是已经预料到了。
"No." I tried to make the lie sound confident. But if he thought my truck was slow... “不。”我努力让这个谎言听起来可信些。但如果他觉得我的卡车太慢……
"Don't worry, it's only five miles or so, and we're in no hurry." “别担心,那条小路只有五英里长,或者差不多,而且我们不赶时间。”
Five miles. 五英里。
I didn't answer, so that he wouldn't hear my voice crack in panic. 我没有回答,这样他就不会听到我因为恐惧而破碎的声音。
Five miles of treacherous roots and loose stones, trying to twist my ankles or otherwise incapacitate me. 五英里布满阴险的树根和松散的石头的小路,正阴谋着让我扭伤脚踝,或者用别的方式让我报废。
This was going to be humiliating. 这将是一次丢脸的旅途。
We drove in silence for a while as I contemplated the coming horror. 我思索着即将到来的惨剧,我们在沉默中开了一会儿车。