英语听力 暮光之城•暮色 第206期:第十二章 平衡(18)(在线收听

 I parked on the narrow shoulder and stepped out, 我把车停在狭窄的路肩上,走下车,

afraid because he was angry with me and I didn't have driving as an excuse not to look at him. 害怕他还在生我的气,而我再也不能把开车当作不去看他的借口了。
It was warm now, warmer than it had been in Forks since the day I'd arrived, almost muggy under the clouds. 现在很暖和,甚至比我来福克斯以后最暖的那一天还要温暖,在云层的笼罩下几乎有些闷热了。
I pulled off my sweater and knotted it around my waist, glad that I'd worn the light, sleeveless shirt— 我脱下了毛衣,把它系在我的腰间,很高兴自己穿了一件浅色的无袖衫——
especially if I had five miles of hiking ahead of me. 尤其在有五英里的徒步跋涉在前头等着我的时候。
I heard his door slam, and looked over to see that he'd removed his sweater, too. 我听到他的门关上了,我看过去,看见他也在脱他的毛衣。
He was facing away from me, into the unbroken forest beside my truck. 他背对着我,面朝着我的卡车后的绵延不绝的森林。
"This way," he said, glancing over his shoulder at me, eyes still annoyed. “这边。”他说着,越过肩膀看着我,眼神依然很气恼。
He started into the dark forest. 他开始向黑暗的森林走去。
"The trail?" Panic was clear in my voice as I hurried around the truck to catch up to him. “这条小路呢?”恐惧在我的语气里清晰可见,我赶紧绕过卡车跟上他。
"I said there was a trail at the end of the road, not that we were taking it." “我只是说路的尽头有一条小路,没说我们要走那条小路。”
"No trail?" I asked desperately. “没有小路?”我挣扎着问道。
"I won't let you get lost." “我不会让你迷路的。”
He turned then, with a mocking smile, and I stifled a gasp. 他这才转过身来,露出一个嘲弄的笑容,我抑制住一声喘息。
His white shirt was sleeveless, and he wore it unbuttoned, 他那件白色衬衫没有袖子,也没有扣上扣子,
so that the smooth white skin of his throat flowed uninterrupted over the marble contours of his chest, 所以那片光洁雪白的肌肤从他的喉咙一路绵延到他那大理石般的胸廓。
his perfect musculature no longer merely hinted at behind concealing clothes. 他完美的肌肉不再欲盖弥彰地隐藏在衣服下。
He was too perfect, I realized with a piercing stab of despair. 他太完美了,我感到一阵锥心的绝望。
There was no way this godlike creature could be meant for me. 这毫无道理,这样宛如神明的人物不可能属于我。